Monday, October 8, 2018

The Top 5 Greatest Anime Chests (For Breast Cancer Awareness) No. 2

It’s that time of year again fellow Otaku & Metalheads!

In addition to being the month of candy & spooks, it’s also the time in which the topic of breast cancer comes up. Many of us known someone that made it through the ordeal, and many of us knew someone who tragically succumbed to the disease. Last year I made a list of the top 5 greatest anime chests of all time as a tongue-in-cheek post, while simultaneously trying to get people to donate to the cause of supporting breast cancer research. Subtly, but I was trying to do it. I had a lot of fun doing it in 2017, but I figured “Why Not” and make this into a yearly series! So with that out of the way, here are the top 5 greatest anime chests of all time......version 2.

5) Urd - Ah My Goddess
Though I will always be a fan of bouncing breasts that turn my brain off, even I have days where I want a woman to turn my brain on as much as.......down there, and one of the best examples of a character like this is the eldest of the 3 goddess sisters, Urd. An absolutely gorgeous woman, she oozes sex appeal: whenever she enters a room, heads turn towards her direction. Whether it’s something as simple as a pose, or something more obvious like putting her chest in front of somebody to get a reaction. At the same time, there’s a surprising amount of subtly to her appeal. She knows how to use her appearance in an obvious manner, but also knows when to take a subtle approach. Definitely one of the greats!

4) Himari - Omamori Himari
Now it’s time to throw subtly out of the window!

Okay, maybe that’s a little unfair. Much like Urd, Himari knows how & when to use her appeal and body. Perhaps the biggest difference between the two girls is that Himari is nowhere near as subtle: right away she goes straight to her charge Yuto in an effort to show love & affection, and will use any means to do so. Chief among her tactics is the clever usage of her breasts. Yeah that sounds a little out there, but trust me when I say that she’s just as comfortable with getting what she wants with her words as much as getting in up close.

3) Lucoa - Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid
Are any of you surprised by this?

I hide nothing when I say that the first reason I like this dragon woman is just how full she is. Butt, thighs (Something I’m normally not into), legs (Something else I’m normally not into), etc. Even her eyes are a drawing point, as the contrasting colors give her a mystique alongside her sexiness. However, for guys like me, the biggest drawing point as far as physical features are concerned is her glorious chest. A lot of humor between her & Shouta (The boy she lives with) revolves around her breasts, and trust me when I say that a lot of it is genuinely funny. Even when she wears less revealing clothes, the sight of her chest is beautiful to behold.

2) Asterio - 12 Beast
For a little bit I had this adorable minotaur at the number one spot, and could you blame me? Coming in at a monstrous O cup, this incredibly busty blacksmith immediately charmed me with her physical features. In a funny twist, Asterio where next to nothing apart from some incredibly basic armor....and what I can only describe as a cow-patterned bikini that’s likely to slip off at any moment. However, that would somewhat do a service to Asterio: she’s fan-servicy to the 10th degree no doubt, but she’s the strongest of the group, is incredible’s kind, and is dependable in a fight thanks to that massive hammer of hers. Yes, this girl was number one for a bit.....but another person like herself revealed themselves.

1) Cathyl - Monster Musume
Q Cup. In reality or fiction, never in my entire life would I ever see a character with breasts that reach into the Q cup range, but here we are. To be honest, I could have put just about any of the various minotaur women from Monster Musume here, but that honor goes to the very first we ever see. Cathyl is an odd character: despite being a milk minotaur (A type known for producing bounteous quantities of milk, and are gentle & good natured), she’s actually a bit more aggressive & shorter tempered than most other minotaurs of her kind. However, she can actually blush rather easily, and is actually kind of cute when she’s ill tempered or embarrassed. Sometimes big breasts means a kind heart & loving personality, and other times it means being tough, strong, and maybe a little grumpy. I can deal with that sometimes.

And these were the top 5 greatest anime chests, number 2. If you can appreciate these fine 2d bounce pads, show some love to the real things and take the fight to breast cancer itself! See you all next week, when we’ll get to part 2 of my look at Moonspell. Definitely going to be some interesting stuff in that.

If you’d like to look at last year’s list, click on the link below:

The Top 5 Greatest Anime Chests (For Breast Cancer Awareness)

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