Monday, December 3, 2018

The Top 5 Movies of 2018

December carries on fellow Otaku & Metalheads!

Just two days ago I posted up my top 5 games of 2018, and next in line is the world of cinema. I saw quite a number of movies this year: good, bad, indifferent, doesn’t matter. Outside of 1 to maybe 2 spots, I was able to figure out what went where pretty easily. Some movies you won’t be surprised to find here, and others you won’t expect (Especially my no. 1). That said, grab some popcorn & enjoy my top 5 movies of 2018!

5) Solo: A Star Wars Story (Trailer)
I had initially intended my number 5 spot to be a tie between this film, and The Last Jedi. Ultimately, I decided to give the number 5 spot to Solo, mostly because of the fact that between this & The Last Jedi, I enjoyed this offshoot Star Wars movie far more than the other. Unlike The Last Jedi, I found Solo to be incredibly less boring, liked a good chunk of the characters, and just had a better time at this movie. Sure, there’s a little bit of Bullshit Justice tossed in (Anti-Slavery droid...Rly?), but that one thing doesn’t ruin what I consider to be one of the best Star Wars movies made for this new run of the franchise (Despite it being the worst performing entry). It has a flaw or two, but it’s obvious that some effort was put in as well. Definitely one to consider watching if you’re looking for some fun Sci-Fi.

(I’ve grown to loathe The Last Jedi in 2018, thanks to the sheer amount of Bullshit Justice infusing each & every scene, not to mention the evisceration of lore & just how bad the director and Kathleen Kennedy were. Star Wars isn’t dead, but it’s still bleeding profusely from the massive wound it received.)

4) Rampage (Trailer)
Dumb stupid fun is the best way to describe this video game re-imagining! My only complaint was that I was watching a summer movie in the spring, but beside that, I loved my time watching this. Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson puts in a cheesy performance that only he can do, the supporting cast was great, and I don’t know how this movie pulled it off, but the movie managed to make me feel for a CGI albino gorilla. I don’t know how this was possible, but what I do know is that this was one of the greatest “Turn Your Brain Off” flicks of 2018. If you’re in the mood for a cheesy popcorn monster movie, then Rampage will definitely fit the bill!

3) Black Panther (Trailer)
From the moment I saw T'Challa of Wakanda in Captain America: Civil War, I immediately wanted to see a film centered around him, and earlier this year I was not disappointed. Much like Solo there was a little bit of Bullshit Justice put in (Mostly on Hatemonger’s shoulders, but even then I think that’s a bit of a stretch), but that didn’t stop me from one of the best Marvel movies to be put out in recent years! In a way I felt that this was 2018's Doctor Strange: A fun action movie, but with a bit of seriousness thrown into the mix. The vibrant colors of Africa melded well with the ascetics of the rest of the feature, and overall it was a fun time. If you want a Marvel movie with an exotic flair, then Black Panther is the film for you!

2) Deadpool 2 (Trailer) & Overlord (Trailer)
Once again, the Merc with the Mouth hits it out of the park! The only reason that Deadpool 2 isn’t number one is because it would be too obvious....and I wanted to surprise all of you. Regardless, this movie is an even greater example of a “Turn Your Brain Off” flick. It’s more politically incorrect than the last Deadpool film (I love how it was taking jabs at Bullshit Justice and Bullshit Justice Warriors), it made me laugh more, the cast was fantastic, and it made me interested in the possibility of a Deadpool 3 (Ironic, given what is coming out in a couple days). If one was to watch Deadpool and this movie back to back, they’ll probably keel over & die from heavy laughter. In short......Deadpool 2 kicks ass!

Another great movie this year was the ode to WW2 & Horror/Science Fiction, Overlord. One of the more recent movies on this list (Overlord out on the 9th of November. The other relatively recent movie is my 2nd honorable mention, but that was out in late October.), it’s obvious from the first few scenes that it doesn’t take itself too seriously. Despite some great acting from everybody involved, Overlord is just meant to be a fun time. A fun time seeing Nazis get their asses kicked. A fun time seeing the creepy aspects, and a fun time seeing some nice special effects (Both practical & CGI). If you & your friends are hosting a WW2 themed movie night, go for Overlord as the wild card. Everybody there might not expect it!

Before we get to my number 1 movie of 2018, let’s take a look at some honorable mentions of this year. The films below aren’t bad or awful by any means, but there’s just something about these films that don’t quite measure up to everything else on this list. With that out of the way, here’s are 2018's honorable cinematic mentions.

HM1) Ready Player One (Trailer)
I’m honestly not sure what to make of this movie. On the one hand, Ready Player One is a loving tribute to pop culture. There were plenty of references & characters I spotted and recognized immediately, and the cast (Both main & supporting) put in a great amount of effort. On the other hand, there were many more pop culture references I didn’t see or recognize, and the whole mood is a little more lighthearted & cheesy than the book (I never read the book, so I’m going off of what I’ve heard). I had these feeling throughout the movie, but at no point did I hate or dislike watching Ready Player One. It’s definitely a fun flick, and one that some Pop Culture nerds will remember for years.

HM2) WWE: Evolution (Clip)
I said it back in my review (Which you can read here), and I’ll say it again: I was genuinely shocked by how good WWE’s first all-women PPV event was. There were definitely some botches, a couple odd spots, and other things that kind of weigh down on it’s shoulders, but it was also a lot of fun to watch. The women really put on a great show, and despite the fact that Evolution was put on only to placate the critics, it’s obvious that the women really cared about what they were doing. It might not be one of the best shows that WWE put out this year (Or in recent years to be honest), but it’s definitely not bad by any means, and is worth your time if you’re curious.    

Also, I know that Evolution technically isn’t a movie. To be honest, This 2nd honorable mention spot was actually a little tough to pick this year, and I admit it’s a bit more filler-y when compared to previous lists. The Crimes Of Grindlewald was close to being here, but I’ve grown to dislike that movie somewhat since I’ve seen it. The Nutcracker and the Four Realms was also close to being here, but I found it to be mostly forgettable a few weeks after I saw it.

1) Christopher Robin (Trailer)
I cried during this movie. Twice, I cried while watching this incredible movie. Once when Pooh was singing his classic Up, Down, Touch the Ground song, and later on when Tigger sings the equally classic The Wonderful Thing About Tiggers. In fact, I was about to unleash a torrent of tears during the first song, until my Mom (I saw this with my folks, btw) grabbed my hand in an effort to comfort me. It’s been a long time since I cried at any movie, much less a Disney movie. However, this movie really harkens back to the innocent days of childhood, where things were more innocent & simple, and is incredibly heartwarming to boot. If you’re a parent & you want to show something wonderful to your kids, or you’re just someone who wants to feel a huge wave of nostalgia, Christopher Robin is what you’re looking for.

And these were my top 5 movies of 2018. An absolutely fantastic year for cinema, The films on this list are the highlights of the year in my opinion, and they’re certainly ones you should watch if you didn’t manage to see them beforehand. We got 1 more list incoming, so see you all this Friday for the best music of 2018. Until then, watch a movie or two will ya!?

If you like to know what I thought of last year, check out the link below

Top 5 Movies of 2017


  1. Interesting choices. Though what about movies releasing in December like Spider Man into the Spider Verse or Mary Poppins Returns?

    1. I usually stop when December comes around. Mostly because it's my break month before January comes around, so I can get my first posts of the year up, and just relax for a few weeks.
