Thursday, January 6, 2022

Food For Thought/Thought For Food No. 23: January 6th (1 Year Later)

I remember the 6th of January 2021 well.

My Dad was off at work, while my Mom was doing errands & visiting a friend if I recall correctly. Meanwhile, I was home getting the typical chores of our house done. It’s around the early afternoon, and I’m doing dishes, & as usual I have my tablet playing videos to have something on in the background. Curiously, I decide to check out Facebook during a quick break, and I see a bunch of my friends in a panic on their pages. Curious, I ask what’s going on, and that’s when I was told.....that our nation’s capital was under attack.

That’s right everyone, today’s rant marks the 1-year anniversary of the Insurrection upon our nation’s capital building. The final attempt by then barely-president Donald Trump to seize tyrannical control of my home country until he died & passed it onto one of his children, keeping the United States firmly within the mangled claw of the Trump family. Now, let me just say that I knew that he was going to do something stupid before he was dethroned. I think even the average joe knew that he was going to do something before he was thrown out the back of the bar. However, I didn’t think in my 3 & a half decades of living in this country that our own leader would aggravate his own followers, and have them storm the capital in an effort to hold onto his position. I didn’t think that the so-called “Leader of the Free World” would ignite his cult’s fanaticism to attack their own country, and that’s exactly what MAGA is. A cult. They’re not a political movement. They’re not big, brave, tough patriots ready to defend their country (Anyone that complains about wearing a peace of cloth over their face isn’t a badass). They are a bonafide, genuine cult. Jim Jones would be jealous of the loyalty that the cultists of MAGA have for their dear leader. This all leads me to my biggest thing.....

It wasn’t the racism that scared me. It wasn’t the sexism. It wasn’t the homophobia, transphobia, or the dozens of other things that make people rightfully shit their entire collection of underwear. It was the blind loyalty. Let me repeat myself in case you missed it......BLIND......LOYALTY. Never in the past 40-something years of this country’s history have we ever had a president that had horses with blinders on their face quite as much as the cultists of Donald Trump. Say what you will about Reagan, but at least he seemed like a legit patriot. Bush Sr? Kinda in the same boat. Bill Clinton? Well, he’s a tool. Even Bush Jr at his heart, despite being one of the most incompetent leaders ever to take the most important post in America, still had some piece of patriot in that brain of his. Donald J. Trump? There’s not a single shred of Patriotism within his mockery of a soul. Throughout his entire life, he has been nothing more than a manipulator & snake-oil salesman, conning untold numbers of people. You know you’re a snake-oil salesman when once fanatical followers reveal the sham, and yet there’s still untold numbers of blind cultists that follow his every diseased word to the bitter end. Don’t believe me? Well, get a load of this!

Trump Adviser Peter Navarro Lays Out How He and Bannon Planned to Overturn Biden’s Electoral Win

And to Donald J Trump himself. I know that you’re never going to even visit a blog like this, since it doesn’t blow your ego like your braindead cult does, but know this. When your own wife & son-in-law tell you to hang it up, just stop. When Mike Pence speaks to Kamala Harris, just stop. When your own Attorney General, not to mention several Republican states, say that there was absolutely no voter fraud, just stop. Hell, when your own Niece writes a book about you, and says that you are nothing more than a miserable pile of damaged goods, you should just stop. There are far more people in the world that are against you rather than for you. There are far more individuals on both sides of the fence that see you not only as a threat to American democracy and democracy the world over, but see you as the power hungry lunatic that you truly & fully are. You are everything that is wrong with American politics, and you are the face of every arrogant, ignorant, and hateful fool that sadly still exists in this country, following your shadow despite seeing your true colors revealed day after day. If my friend Ushi was still alive, she call all of your followers Nazis, and she’d straight up call you Hitler!

Not only that, but I will forever hold you in scorn. Because of you, three of my friends suffered at the hands of this plague that still has a grip on this nation. Because of you, my dear Grandmother’s death was accelerated. Because of you, there are over 700,000 bodies lying 6 feet under in America. Friends, family, acquaintances. All were victims of a great plague. A plague that could have been mitigated at the very least, but that’s not what happened. Instead, the great plague ravaged this nation, killing hundreds of thousands, destroying & disrupting commerce, crippling our economy, and leaving untold numbers of physical & psychological scars on all of us.....and for what? For a quick buck? For a bit of power & influence? What the hell was all of this death & destruction for!?

So, with all of this mad rambling, you’re probably wondering if I think that the Democrat side of the fence is all nice & clean, complete with puppies, kittens, and fields of flowers. Fuck no! Coming from someone that is a leftist. Coming from someone that is a liberal. Coming from someone that is a Democrat, I can say this without any hesitation that my side of the fence isn’t clean, and we got plenty of blood on our hands as well. Hell, in some cases we may have more blood on our hands that the Republican side of the fence! All throughout Trump’s presidency, the Democrats did nothing but consistently try to impeach (With help from the few sane Republicans, might I add) the president, whine that Hillary didn’t get in, and constantly cater to the far-left that have unfortunately become the norm & face of the party. All of this did nothing more than give Trump & the far-right the ammunition to shoot back at us during his entire run, and even to this very day. Instead of trying to patch things up to that the damage wasn’t as lasting as it is while Trump was president, you’ve basically help him screw it all up by being an embarrassment! I am not ashamed of where I am politically, but much like my Dad, I do not identify with my side all that much, nor do I like being called a Democrat.

My final words: we’re never going to improve. Until they day that we realize that we all have blood on our hands, that we all have a little mud on our face, and that we all have a little dirt on our clothes, only then can we truly begin to move forward.....and only they can we truly begin to change things for the better in the United States of America. However, I don’t think that it’s ever going to happen, so until that day we are well & truly fucked. As George Carlin said in his very last comedy special:

It’s never going to get any better. Be happy with what you got.

Now, normally I would apologize about being so pissed off in one of these posts, but you know what? Fuck it! For the first time ever in the Food For Thought/Thought For Food series, I’m not sorry about what I’ve said. I was absolutely horrified & furious about what transpired a year ago on this day, and you all should be too! So you know what? Fuck it again! The next two reviews are gonna get political, so see me next week for a review of an album that fits our time better now that maybe last year. Now if you excuse me, I need to go hug something & drink some tea to lower my blood pressure.

If anyone wants to be tagged in the upcoming reviews, just leave a reply.

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