I was originally going to do a 2nd “Top 5 Badasses Of World War 2” list to celebrate today, but I was too lazy to even remotely start it. I was then thinking of doing a review on the DN3D expansion Duke It Out In DC, but what happened late last month has taken precedent over all of what I was planning. As you can tell by the first picture in this, I’m gonna be speaking about the recent murder of Roe v Wade at the hands of the supposedly neutral Supreme Court of the United States of America. The safeguard for women against unsafe abortion, Roe V Wade was a shield for all of the female gender in this nation, but horrifically that is no longer the case. Now, it has been taken behind a shed, given a bullet to the head, and left to rot. Already, states in the country that claim to “love” life & Jesus have implement fascist laws against women, making it illegal for a woman to terminate the grown fetus within her. Whether it’s because of rape, incest, or health issues, it doesn’t matter. Women’s bodies are further not their own, and it’s all due to the highest court of this land.
To be perfectly honest.....I’m actually not surprised by this. If anything, the seeds were planted during the entirely of the Trump presidency, when the justices that he personally picked were nothing more that absolute jokes who don’t know a damn thing about the law. Instead, all they know about is ignorance & religious extremism, as well as having no scruples or honesty. From the day they were interviewed they did nothing but lie. They lied to who asked them questions, and they lied to every single person in this country. Their kept their dark ambitions hidden & close to their chest, revealing it when the time was unfortunately right. That “Leak” about Roe v Wade on the executioner’s block back in late April or early May (I can’t recall) was the perfect opportunity for them to unleash the evil that they wanted to spread. Sadly, they were successful.
I’m genuinely still stunned by this. This decision to kill the protection that women were rightfully deserved is nothing more than that catering to an extremist religious minority that wishes to transform this land into their own rigid theocracy, who in turn are catering to a rightfully deposed despot that doesn’t even give an absolute shit about them. If this was all about the sanctity of life, then laws would be put down that allowed women to take paid months off from work to raise their newborn. Women wouldn’t have to pay a dime out of their wallet so they can give birth. However, none of this exists. At the end of the day, the execution of Roe v Wade was an obvious & direct attempt to assert their own beliefs on a group of people within the United States. This was done to further erode the boundary of Church & State, inching us further & further until we become something akin to China, Russia, the Middle East, or England like in V For Vendetta. We are inching ever closer to where we will become almost indistinguishable from those that we criticize.
Right now, God & Jesus are weeping. Weeping because their names are once again being dragged through the mud by the grifters, swindlers, and con-men on the supreme court. Hell, I would completely understand why the heavenly red reset button. If Jesus suddenly showed up back on this world, and by sheer coincidence popped into our neighborhood, he would be shunned by those that claim to love him. He’d be declared a pussy, labeled a socialist, and be considered a traitor to the white race by the worst of the worst in the United States. We are so far backwards, that even he would throw his hands up in the air, turn his back, walk away, all the while screaming “DAD!? FUCK EM ALL!!”
And so.....I’m not really planning on doing any celebrating today. I would find it hypocritical to celebrate the birthday of a country that claims to support freedom, yet take away the rights of a giant portion of the nation in order to cater to a minority extremist cult, who in turn are catering to a deposed cult leader that doesn’t like his own fucking cult! When you have a country where women can’t always get proper healthcare when it comes to abortion, yet the access of guns of 50x easier, our priorities are screwed up (This is coming from a WW2 gun nut, btw). Given that clarence thomas (Not bothering to capitalize his name) said that he and the rest of SCOTUS might “look” at contraceptives & gay marriage, that is further proof that we truly don’t have rights. In the immortal words of George Carlin:
“We have a series of privileges. A series of temporary privileges.”
So before I end this brain spasm of mine, I want to address some people. For starters, to the Democrats, because unfortunately they’re part of this fiasco. When they had the opportunity to ratify Abortion into the constitution back in 2009, this was their mentality:
“It’s not an issue at this point in time.”
I’m sorry, but that pattern of though alone puts them into the same shitpile as the Republicans. Yes, they apologized for that, but you know what would have been better? ACTUALLY RATIFYING ABORTION INTO THE FUCKING CONSTITUTION! An empty apology is just that. Empty. There are still people (Too many, to be honest) that think that the Democratic Party still believes in the little guy, but it’s stuff like this that keeps me dissolutioned......and that’s coming from a Democrat.
To the GOP & 90% of Republicans that dwell out in the open, showing off their true colors to not only people like me, but to the rest of the world. Thank you for continuing to prove that you don’t give a shit. Thank you for continuing to show to the rest of the world how much of a joke this country has truly become. Thank you for showing off your blind belief in the Evangelical way, when we weren’t even founded on religious beliefs to begin with! Like I said above, if this recent decision to end safe abortion for women was truly about life, you would have implemented free & incredible maternal care. You would not have women pay to push a kid out. You would have implemented paid maternity leave that would last for months. However, this decision wasn’t about life. It was about control. It was about domination. It was about further establishing an extremist religious theocracy in a country that wasn’t founded as such to begin with! You claim to treasure life, but when you cheer when someone you don’t like gets executed, or when people with maybe a different skin pigment gets hurt or worse, you show that you don’t care about life. You are pro-birth, and nothing more.
To the remaining 10% of all Republicans in this nation. The ones that continue to believe in people over party. The ones that continue to celebrate country over politics. The ones that are actual religious people! Thank you for showing your soul. Thank you for standing up against the rest of the MAGA infested body of the GOP, and thank you for raising hell against the recent injustice against the women of America! You are the true conservatives & right-wingers of the United States, not some fanatic that can’t (Or won’t) realize that the last guy that ran this nation wouldn’t lift a finger to help them. Next time you see someone online or in public fellating the deposed orange orangutang......do me a favor and slap the jackass out of them!
To the men. I’m not talking about the idiots that stormed the capital, or so called “Patriots”. I’m talking about the good men, great men, amazing men. The men that stand by their women (Mother, Grandmother, Daughter, Sister, Aunt, Girlfriend, or Wife), who know what’s going on is completely wrong, supporting them with all they got. You beautiful bastards rock! Even the gay guys that none the less love their female friends & family! You are the real men of this country, showing off actual masculinity & strength! Not some fat fucker that waves around a rifle, claiming he’d be able to defend “Muh Murica” from whatever phantasms that lurk in their empty skull. Stand by your ladies dudes!
And perhaps mostly importantly.....to the women that read this. Whether you were born a woman, or you became a woman.....raise hell. March, protest, send letters & e-mails to your politicians both local and national, unite, and make the “Supreme” Court, GOP, Democrats who didn’t raise a call to arms, and Evangelical “Christians” shit their pants. And if any of you lovely ladies just so happen to be a witch, voodoo priestess, or a practitioner of another magical belief......well, I don’t think anyone is going to mind a bubbling cauldron or two.
I want to end this rant on a very simple note. In the immortal words of Captain America:
“This Isn't Freedom, This Is Fear.”
Next week, I’ll return to the 90s with a review on Outlaw Star. See you then.
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