Monday, August 8, 2022

5 Albums From The 90s You Should Own

Gonna miss looking back at the 90s fellow Otaku & Metalheads.

I’m definitely gonna miss looking back at the decade of our childhood. I’m going to miss looking back at the last decade where there was any common sense, and we weren’t at each other’s throats like we are now. However, I don’t want today’s post to be absolutely soul-crushing. In fact, I want to talk about the music of our decade. The music that’s definitely in my generation’s CD collection, but may not be stuff the younger generations have listened too (Maybe even the older generation hasn’t listened to these either). All of these I’ve either listened to when I was growing up, or discovered years later, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. With that said, here are 5 albums from the 90s you should own. Let’s begin!

1) Nirvana - Nevermind (Song)

I will always stick up for Grunge. Falsely accused of be the sole reason that classic Heavy Metal was killed in the 90s (Despite the fact that it was really the music companies that did the deed, and Grunge was just a highly convenient scapegoat), it somehow manages to remain in the consciousness of many music listeners from that time, and is a nice musical treat for anyone discovering it now. Practically at the forefront of the movement was Nirvana, not to mention it’s tragic frontman Kurt Cobain, and Nevermind was the face. A punky yet heavy release, Nevermind (And by extension Grunge as a whole) was different from Heavy Metal in that it was about reality. It wasn’t about being a rock star or being in a party mood, but it was about the real world & it not being quite as glamorous as we were led to believe. It doesn’t smash you in the face with it, but neither does it put the training wheels on. If you want to relive a piece of musical history, or want to see a metal elitist have a brain aneurysm, then Nevermind is a great choice!

2) Metallica - The Black Album (Song)

Last year marked something pretty significant in this album’s history. On the 12th of August last year, Metallica’s divisive fifth studio turned 30 years old. An album that firmly cemented them in the commercial spotlight, it’s legacy is still spoken of over 30 years later. On top of that, this record is some of the very first music I can recall with absolute certainty I listened to. Yes, there is a huge commercial element to the songs, but it’s still got that Metallica punch during the entire runtime, and the overall quality is very top notch! I admit that early childhood nostalgia has me eternally loving this album, but at the same time there are still people to this day that hold this release aloft into the metallic sky & sing it’s praises. There are still individuals that have their feelings split in the middle about this record, but The Black Album is still Metallica at it’s best.....despite the commercial nature.  

3) Queen - Innuendo (Song)

And here is where I had some trouble, as I was considering tying Made In Heaven here, or just Made In Heaven by itself. Like I said above, I didn’t want to be soul-crushing with this list, so instead I wanted to go with Queen’s last badass hurrah with Innuendo. Despite getting a mixed reaction upon it’s release (And receiving heaps of praise upon Freddy Mercury’s death), the last time that the band was truly together was perhaps the best thing they’ve ever released. There’s literarily something for everyone on this album: gospel, hard rock, AOR, Heavy Metal, you name it. Though the band definitely felt stronger & more united on their previous release, that strength and unity is 10 times more potent & obvious on Innuendo. It may have been the last time the boys were together, but that last time would be the biggest thing Queen ever released in their career, and one I finally treasure. As a way to go, Innuendo was one of the best!

4) Type-O Negative - October Rust (Song)

Ah Type-O Negative.....your music is still potent to this very day.

Despite iconic frontman Pete Steele now being gone from the world for over 12 years, him and the rest of the Brooklyn juggernauts that were his bandmates & friends carved a niche in the music scene with their own brand of Gothic Metal. Mixing in some Beatles, Black Sabbath, and a few other things, it’s easy to see why they are still spoken about by the fans long after the band split up. Practically any of their 90s output I could have put here, but October Rust eclipsed them all. The very first album I listened to, the more ballad-like structure of the songs created a slight fantasy vibe, as well as the atmosphere that is the embodiment of Gothic Fall. The wind is crisp and cool, leaves of brown, orange, and gold hang on the trees or lie on the ground, and there’s a gentle feeling that the year is going to end. October Rust also has the distinction of turning 25 years old in 2021, and there’s no sign that people will forget it’s autumn message for 25 years more. If you’re interested in the American side of the Gothic Metal scene, the October Rust is a perfect gateway. You won’t be disappointed.     
5) New Radicals - Maybe You’ve Been Brainwashed Too (Song)

And so I end this list with an album that’s the living embodiment of the 1990s. I said it back in June twice, and I will repeat myself here: this one-hit wonder encapsulates all of the good, the bad, the hopes, the dreams, the fears, and the ideas of the 90s. Using a mix of Alternative Rock, Pop Rock, and your standard Pop music, Gregg Alexander & his band of musical misfits crafted an album that has something for everybody. Sure, Maybe You’ve Been Brainwashed Too is not the heaviest record on here, and I can easily understand why anybody would laugh at this, but this lone release from the New Radicals is the living embodiment of not judging a book by it’s cover.  

And those were the 5 albums from the 1990s that you should own. The most experimental decade when it came to music, it left us with tunes that my generation still remembers fondly to this day. For those of you who weren’t born in that decade, these records will be your gateway into my generation’s past. So, I got to end this look at the 90s with something big. Something.....explosive. So join me next week, when we’ll take a look at a game that stars my no. 1 characters of all time. See you then!

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