It’s time for some punk fellow Otaku & Metalheads!....again!
Last week I looked at the first Rock Against Bush compilation release, and while I wasn’t a massive fan of it, I still managed to definitely get some enjoyment out of listening to it. However, now we’re at the 2nd volume in this little series. Does it have as much strength & attitude behind it as much as the first one did? Well, let’s not waste anymore time, and take a loot at my review of Rock Against Bush: Vol 2. Let’s begin!
See Rock Against Bush: Vol 1 review, but the two differences here are that Vol. 2 was released in August of 2004 & there is no DVD.
Basic Description
More Of The Same.
Whether that’s a good thing or a bad thing all depends of what you thought of the first Rock Against Bush, and what you think of Punk by extension. If you like the first R.A.B. & Punk Rock, then you’re gonna love this. However, if you aren’t a fan of either, then you’re gonna hate this! For me? I’m kind of in this weird middle ground: I’m certainly not a big fan of Rock Against Bush 2, but I don’t hate it by any means. Much like the first R.A.B., I’m a mild fan of this release, but it’s not an album I’d reach from my collection right away when I’m in the mood for tunes.
Best Track
I’m not at all surprised that Green Day showed up on here, considering how massively popular they were in 2004 thanks to the Punk monolith that was American Idiot, and Favorite Son is what they brought to the table. Curiously, this track was actually the bonus song off of the Japanese Edition, and it’s a weird choice for such a bonus simply due to it’s play time. 2 minutes & 8 seconds to be exact. Despite the short amount of time, it’s actually a nice little song that doesn’t overstay it’s welcome, and fits the American Idiot form quite well.
Favorite Son
Worst Track
See my review of Rock Against Bush: Vol 1 for details.
If you’re curious about listening to this album, then click on the link below (1 song is missing):
Rock Against Bush: Vol 2
Overall Impression & Rating
Rock Against Bush: Vol 2 is a lot like the first one, in that it’s a product of it’s time. The songs on this CD feel fundamentally the same as what was on the first R.A.B., but the message is just as clear on this 2nd go, if not possibly stronger. If you liked the first Rock Against Bush, then this will be up your alley. Guaranteed!
Rock Against Bush: Vol 2 gets a 7.5 out of 10.
And that was my look at the second Rock Against Bush album. Sure, the spawn of H.W. hasn’t been in power nearly 2 decades at the point, but sometimes it’s nice to look at a clown rather than a lunatic. Well, I’ve had my fill of politics this month, so join me in February for some more light-hearted material, and a new experiment of mine I hope you’ll all enjoy. See you soon!
If you didn’t read my 1st review, then click on the link below:
Album Review: Rock Against Bush (Vol 1)
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