Monday, November 2, 2020

Food For Thought/Thought For Food No. 18: No Idea On The Name

 “I remember on the morning of November 9th, 2016, feeling a little bit...nauseous. It felt like descending into a bottomless pit on a hot steel rail, careening headfirst into the unknown.

The words spoken above were that of Ministry frontman Al Jorgenson off of his 2018 album, Amerikkkant, and to be more specific it came off of the second song of the record, Twilight Zone. Hey everybody, Heavy Metal Otaku here. I find myself conflicted with this Food For Thought/Thought For Food, and for a good reason. On the one hand, the thoughts that are incoming I’ve been sitting on for the past 4 years & I’m probably not the only person that feels this way. On the other hand, I have a feeling that I will lose some viewers of this blog & lose some of my friends that will read this. However, I’m going to risk it, since I really need to say what needs to be said. In any goes.

So I think that many of us can agree than the past 4 years in the United States has been nothing but an absolute Fustercluck. Not a day went by that some kind of political scandal has taken place, all thanks to the 45th president Donald Trump....and the continual de-evolution of the Democratic Party and the left. That’s right, I said it! I blame the continual shitstorm we’ve been having for nearly half a decade on both sides of the fence (Even though the seeds of this was planted years prior). It’s about high past time that we start blaming both sides in this country for all the problems we’ve been facing, rather than just one because the other guy might have a little less mud on their face or blood on their hands. Just because one side has less on them, doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be put to the fire for their B.S.. To be perfectly honest, this cynical mindset I’ve had since around the end of 2016 can be traced back to that fateful November 9th. Over the years since then, my mind annoyance has morphed into something that I can only describe as apathy & hatred boiling in a let me explain why I just don’t care anymore.

Let’s start off with the Republican Party, cause I think it’s pretty easy to call them out these days. To begin, let me just say that it’s an absolute shame at what the GOP is at this point. For ages they used to hold the liberal torch high. That’s right, these guys used to be the liberal party at one point! Nowadays, they have become the party of arrogance, ignorance, narrow-mindedness, and stagnation. Gone is the party that actually held the ideals of America, and now we have the party that is more concerned about themselves. More concerned with their own power & wealth. More concerned with holding onto what drives their greed, and more concerned with making sure that they stay on top. With the arrival of Donald Trump, these issues have only been magnified tenfold, and really show off at just how stained & pitted the party truly is.

As for Trump himself, I can only say that if my friend Ushi was alive she’d be absolutely horrified by what would be going on right now. I’m not one of those people that insinuate that he is the reincarnation, cause I think that’s a pretty easy thing to do......but hot damn if he isn’t in the ballpark at the very least! It’s not our fault that America is in shambles. It’s not our fault that our economy is tanking. It’s not our fault that we’re not “Great” anymore. It’s the fault of the foreigners! It’s the fault of the Muslims & “Illegial” Mexican Immigrants (Despite the fact that illegal immigration is actually at a 40-year low)! It’s the fault of that evil leftist media & those pesky liberals (Despite the fact that we’ve been becoming more & more conservative in recent decades, and this move was facilitated in the 90s thanks to deregulation by the FCC)! It’s the fault of that awful Socialism (Which is funny, because every modern economy in the world has a little Socialism in it)! Pretty much, it’s everybody else fault, ad we’re just the poor innocent victims. We’re just so blameless......despite the fact that a lot (But not all) of the problems in the world can be traced back to us in some capacity. Fuck off with that crap!

And if by chance Mr. President that you just so happen to see this.....I hope this was all worth it. I hope destroying the faith of the world in us was worth it. I hope lining your weak pockets was worth it. I hope it was worth it when you helped a plague ravage this nation & kill 220,000+ people, one of which was my old friend’s mother....simply because you didn’t want to generate a “Panic”. I hope that creating a base of blind fanatics that you’ve trained to hate fact & reason was worth it, and I hope the further radicalization of the Christian right was worth it. To be perfectly honest, because of your actions I see no difference between this:

And this: 

There is no difference between these two pictures. At the end of the day, they are both blind followers that are practically allergic to fact & the truth. Using their false blind faith to bully everyone around them, to scare people onto their side of the fence, and they don’t give a damn who they hurt in the process. At the end of the day, it’s all about them, and damn anyone that shatters their stained glass fragile ego.

Mr. President, from day one this was never about the betterment of America. This was all about you. It’s been that way for decades. It hasn’t even been about your goofy idiot son. It hasn’t even been about your goofy idiot son in law. It hasn’t even been about your pornstar wife. It hasn’t even been about your twit of a daughter, who ironically enough I liked for a brief moment because she stayed quiet most of the time, then look at how well that ended up. You never once in your life had to worry about a job, or money, or whether your next meal would come from. From day one you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth & a silver dildo up your ass. You don’t know what it was like for my Mother, when she had to scrap, scrounge, and save as much as she could to take care of my family. You don’t know what it was like for my Father, who had to move all of us around when he went from job to job. Hell, you don’t even know what it’s like for most of your cult, since you’ve seen them as nothing but tools to exploit & throw to the side when they’re no longer of use to you. Hell, even most of your original cabinet was gone, simply because they wouldn’t go along with the fact that you’re just so “Brilliant” and such a “Winner”. You are everything that is wrong with this country, and the only good thing you’ve done in your entire run is show off the loopholes of our system & just how fucked we genuinely are.

Oh, and three more things. One: I didn’t know that masks turned big tough patriots into whiney little shits. Grow a damn spine, wear one, and maybe we can curb the plague enough so we have a hint of normality at least. Two: if you’re such badasses then why did you surround a Biden bus a day or two ago? If Trump is gonna win again, then what was the point other than showing off how tiny of a prick you have!? Three, and this is the big one: America is not a Christian nation. Never was. If you’d actually bother & look at the history of our founding fathers, you’d know that they were atheist! Outside of George Washington (And even then I believe he was of the faith only out of respect), all of the founders of this country were godless heathens! The only reason they didn’t suppress those of the cloth, and of all cloths to be honest, was because they knew that if they did, then we’d be no better than the nations that did just that.

Now for the Democrats & the left. Before I go on with this part, let me just say this. I am a Democrat. I am a leftist, and I am a liberal. I’ve been this way since I registered to vote back in 2005 when I turned 18, and even before that I had some feelings like this. To this day, I still feel strongly for my side of the fence, and I do not hide my politics whenever someone asks me. I also do not hide who I vote for, and I will fully admit here that I voted for Barack Obama both times, and more often than not I will vote Democrat. With that being said, I in now way identify with the Democratic Party. Haven’t been able to for the past 4 years. They have not been left since the 90s, when the Clintons took the Liberal party away from it’s home on the left, and move them to the middle to satisfy their centrist agenda. Don’t believe me? Just look up both of Clintion’s runs. He didn’t come across like a Democrat. He came across like someone who was sitting on the middle of the fence! His actions & policies came from someone that is in the middle. Not on the left. From there, the party just decayed & decayed until the absolute joke that they are now. Outside of Obama’s runs, the party has firmly become something that those in the middle would just salivate, and it just makes me weep.

What about those outside of the party, but stay true to the left & liberalism? This is a bit more tricky to dissect. On the one hand, when they decide to champion a cause that’s just & beautiful, they go with it. Black Lives Matter, for example, is a cause that’s worth pursuing. On top of that, issues that may have fallen by the wayside by both parties they will often pick back up & hold them high for all to take notice, and to me that’s gorgeous. My problem is that for every cause they pick up & support, there are dozens more of legitimate causes that they don’t pursuit or don’t think are trendy enough. Remember the transgender bathroom issue from a couple years ago? Every once in a while you might hear something from a few individuals, but for the most part? Not a single peep is being uttered, which is a shame since they deserve equal & safe opportunity to use the John also. This happens all the time, and I think it’s sad.

On top of that, if you are not down for the cause. If you’re not down for whatever issue the left wants to fix? You’re racist. You’re sexist. You’re homophobic. You’re transphobic. You’re capitalist. Wow, for a side that claims to be tolerant, it’s amazing at how intolerant they are. I’m not talking about people who are actually racist, sexist, homophobic, or transphobic, cause anyone who’s any of those 4 labels is quite frankly a nimrod. I’m simply talking about people that just disagree with the left. People who just find something about an aspect of whatever cause liberals believe in, and they just disagree with it. If you’re not down for the cause, then you’re part of the problem, and there’s no hope for you. That’s not very tolerant. That actually sounds....intolerant! Go friggen figure!

Finally, and this is the thing that gives me a brain aneurysm whenever I think of the left, is the sheer fetishisation of Socialism. Now, I think socialist policies can be a good thing! Socialized health care (Which, btw, was originally a Republican idea going back to the days of Teddy Roosevelt, but up & died when Reagan failed to make it stick before the left picked it up), social security, etc. A few socialist policies here & there are good for an otherwise capitalist society, but to base an entire country or nation on Socialism in nothing short of a recipe for disaster! Don’t believe me? Please, just look up Soviet Russia from back in the day, or Cuba, or even parts of South America (Venezuela especially). Those 3 examples are why I call myself a Capitalist! Not because I agree with the ideology, cause most of the time I don’t, but because at least I still have my individuality in tact & I don’t have to worry about starving. Outside of a terribly few examples in the world (Here & abroad), Socialism by & large is a failure, and it’s all due to the fact that like Capitalism, human nature is never factored. I find it utterly baffling that in recent years all of a sudden the left jumps on the socialist bandwagon, while years prior you didn’t hear a damn peep. So frustrating!

All of this culminates in the fact that I finally thrown my hands up. I just don’t care anymore. I don’t trust a single political side in this country anymore. All sides are dirty. All sides have a little mud on their face, and all sides have a bit of blood on their hands. The Democrats & Republicans have long since abandoned the people that believed in them, and for decades became concerned with their self interests. All sides at this point just want to be trapped in their own bubbles & echos chambers, hearing only what they want to hear & whine when something even just a tiny bit pokes their head into the window. All of this is why I say let it crumble & let it burn. Not necessarily because I’ve lost hope, but because of the fact that if Left & Right (Not Trumpers or everybody else. Not Conservatives or Liberals) don’t want to compromise, then what the hell is the point of trying to fix things in this nation we all live in. Does this mean that I’m not voting? Fuck no! I’m happily going to the voting booth tomorrow with my Mother, and proudly voting for Joe Biden. Not because I trust or like him, because I don’t, but I trust him far more than who we have now. Just because I’ve gotten too cynical when it comes to our political system, doesn’t mean I’ll stop showing the system my voice & opinion.

At the end of the day, I think the quote below (Which I found earlier last week) perfectly describes why I don’t have faith in the system anymore. Why I don’t trust any political party. Why I don’t have faith in all sides coming together to fix this once grand nation, and why I think we are truly screwed:

One of the things I've noticed and found deeply disturbing over the past 1376 long days tRump has occupied the office of President is that, as a society, American's have become obsessed with "winning".... at all cost, at any expense.  It's become a game of zero compromise, everything is black and white, and if your political party isn't "winning" they are losers.  This has cost relationships, families, friendships, businesses, and most importantly it has cost hundreds of thousands of lives.  All for the sake of the idolized notion of winning and utterly destroying or demoralizing your opponent in the process.  We used to be a nation that was hell bent on winning as a nation, through unity and compromise.  Now we are a nation of political rivals that have been pitted against each other by an evil reality show host who has clearly defined the rules of "If you're not winning, you are a loser!".  It's a terrifying place to be as a nation and it polarizes absolutely everything we do.  It's exactly why 220,000+ have died from this virus, because it's not about unifying and compromising and winning as a nation... It's about proving the other side wrong and both sides going their own way at it and we are living through the disastrous results.
- Chuck Dillingham from Tiki Against Trump

Again, thank you all very much for sticking through with this. To those of you who still are my fans, family & friends, and will still stand by my side I thank you. To those of you who won’t frequent this blog anymore & don’t want to be my friend because of what I said here, then I completely understand, and wish you luck on your future endeavors. Now, with the election being such a short distance away, it may determine some the content that gets release here, so join me in a few short days when I’ll do a follow up to this about who gets elected. Hopefully the right person wins, but I don’t have much hope. See you very soon.

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