Friday, February 28, 2025

Album Review: Turmion Kätilöt's Global Warning

Facebook didn't accept the original album cover. Boo Hoo.

We’re still in Finland fellow Otaku & Metalheads!

To be honest, I’m not surprised at how consistent the quality of so many bands from this part of the world is. From top acts, to more niche favorites, this frosty nation always hits the mark! Same with the subject of today’s review, and given the name of the band in question, they’re also no strangers to this little part of the internet. For a little over 20 years, Turmion Kätilöt has been hitting the European concert scene pretty hard, and they know how to make a splash! Even in a plague ridden year like 2020, they still managed to release a monster record. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy my review for Global Warning. Let’s begin!

Upon it’s release in 2018, Universal Satan was the proving ground for new band member Shag-U, who replaced longtime member Spellgoth after he left the year prior. After settling in rather nicely with everybody else, the band entered the studio in 2019 to record their ninth studio album, which would be titled Global Warning. It’s kind or ironic the record would be called that, as it would be released on April the 17th in 2020 of all times. There was a single bright spot in all of this: Turmion Kätilöt would be signed to Nuclear Blast Records, which for the first time ever gave them a fanbase that was massively bigger than what came before, and a presence within the United States.

Basic Description
Disco Metal.

Okay, so Global Warning, and everything else Turmion Kätilöt has done before & after this release, isn’t Disco Metal in the traditional sense. Everything they’ve released is full blown Industrial Metal, with equal part metallic instrumentation & industrial sounds and effects, but the “Disco Metal” label is more of a spiritual identity. Global Warning is the kind of album you play in a dance club, it energizes people, and it’s either make people headbang, dance, or a mix of the two. Hell, you could even play this record in a rave bar or other musical venue, and you might get a similar reaction!

Best Track
Sano Kun Riittää, or Say Enough translated from Finnish, is a bit of a creeper at first. There’s soft vocal work, gentle-ish guitar, & xylophone playing at the beginning, and it’s actually pretty eerie. Once the intro is passed, it goes straight into the metal & louder singing, and it hits like a giant freight truck. Even during the harder parts, it never loses the horror-like atmosphere that was created in the opening. It’s definitely a highlight of Global Warning, and a tune you shouldn’t skip!

Sano Kun Riittää (Say Enough)

Worst Track
Really Global Warning’s own fault lies with the language barrier. Outside of some rare exceptions, Turmion Kätilöt have sung completely in Finnish. Unless you know the language really well (Or know where to find lyric translations), you’re likely not going to connect with it as much as someone from Finland, or Europe by extension. With the band now under the Nuclear Blast label for a few years now, their name has more recognition than it once did, and maybe things might change.

If you’re curious about listening to this album, then click on the link below:

Global Warning

One quick note: I found it ironic that back in 2020, the band released an album called Global Warning. Given what 2025 has been like so far here in the United States & the rest of the world, perhaps it should have been saved for this year instead!

Overall Impression & Rating

Global Warning continues to show that Turmion Kätilöt are an Industrial Metal force of nature, a well as a prime example of how fantastic Heavy Metal from Finland can be. Sure, the Finnish language can be daunting for some, but even if you can’t get past it, you’ve got the instrumentation & vocal work to carry you from the beginning to the end.....and it’s some damn fine instrumentation & vocals, btw.

Global Warning gets an 8.5 out of 10.

And that was my look at Global Warning, and the conclusion of my look at the no. 4 albums of 2020. Despite the language barrier that’s in place, it’s still relatable to any metalhead through instrumentation alone. With that, we’re now onto part 3, and things are going to get a little Goth. See you all in March!

Monday, February 17, 2025

Convention Review: Katsucon 2025

Katsucon 2025 is in the books fellow Otaku & Metalheads!

This year’s convention was pretty significant. Mainly, it was the 30th Katsucon ever, and I didn’t even know about it! I’ve only been coming to the Gaylord since 2020 ironically enough, but in that half-decade the trip from Upstate New York to Maryland is a pilgrimage I gladly take with the friends I go with. Due to the death of a local con I went to for a decade a few years back, this behemoth of a celebration of all things anime & stuff starts the year of just right for me. Did the 30th anniversary of one of the east coast’s biggest conventions kick ass & take name!? Well, sit down, relax, and enjoy my review for Katsucon 2025! Let’s begin!

Good Points
First off, seeing the Gaylord always brings a smile to my face. From having my mind blown all the way back in 2020 upon my first visit, and to now, it always manages to make my eyes widen in awe. On the outside of the building it comes across like a giant fortress, but inside it feels like a completely different world. For anyone who’s never gone, it almost feels like a microcosm of the outside, as there are various little shops that provide a lot of what you need while you’re staying there (Including a FedEX if you can believe it). In the mornings where the sunlight comes in through the windows, it feels like rays of weeby heaven touching your face. At night, it almost feels like a faerie wonderland, as many of the trees in the hotel have lights strewn in them, and they light up when it’s completely dark outside. It really is something to see for first-timers, but for anyone that’s gone for at least 5 years, it’s a beautiful treat.

The cosplay was always a plus for Katsucon, but 2025's display of wearable artistry was particularly on point this year! Low-end cosplay crafted with love, to mid-tier outfits that show off improving talent, to high end pieces of pure art, all levels were on display constantly! I won’t talk too much more, but here’s a tiny sample of what was around this year. Enjoy!

Dealers Room & Artist’s Alley as usual are filled to the brim with so much to look at & buy! Despite one HUGE hiccup with where the artist’s were (Oh boy, I’ll get to that in a bit!), each area was stocked with a variety of merchants & peddlers that had a lot of goods. I was able to purchase a lot of things, including a con shirt (Something that didn’t happen last year, so a mini good point.)! Hell, I even bought a little more from the artists this year when compared to prior outings (Given what happened this year, it felt right, but again.....I’ll get to that in a bit.), and I have no doubt I’ll probably do it again next year.

Panels & events are always fun and varied at Katsucon, and this year was no different. From the AMV contests, to the idol show, there was always something to go to & experience. Though I didn’t go to a lot of panels, the ones I did go in and see were a treat! The Phoenix Wright panel, for example, showed off how wildly inaccurate the laws works in the game when compared to the real world. Meanwhile in the 18+ portion of the programming, the Monster Fuckers panel (I’m not censoring it because the name is funny) was hysterical! Despite a technical hiccup that prevented the panelists from using their computer, everything was a delightful storm of hilarity & horniness. Props to them for carrying on with the show, and I hope they come back next year!

The drive this year was surprisingly pleasant! Normally it takes us a fairly long amount of time to drive down from Upstate New York (Albany to be specific), but this year it took about a good 6 to 7 hours to drive to the Gaylord. Hell, even coming back up was a similar length of time, and the weather was crap throughout Sunday.....except in Maryland where it was just raining & in the low 60s. Pretty weird if you ask me.

Finally, I gotta talk about the pre-reg line this year. I don’t know what the hell was going on: make there was an absolute horde of VIP orders this year, or people were just being super cooperative with the staff, but there was almost next to no line at all when I was there. There were a small number of people, but once they got through, I was up next, and I got out pretty quick as well. Hope things are like this next year!

Okay Points
I put this in the “Bad Points” section of last year’s review, but the transition from cash to card (Credit//Debit & Gift) made my blood boil, since as far as I know they didn’t announce it beforehand. This time around it was still annoying, but the machine that gave out the cards to be used was working on Day 1 instead of being busted for I think Thursday & part of Friday last year. On that factor alone, it moves up to here.

Bad Points
Okay, where to begin!

Let’s start off with a relatively simple one, and that’s the restricting traffic flow around the Gazeebo. I don’t know who’s idea it was to post barricades around it, but that just made going through that area much more restrictive. Sure, it a damn good place for cosplay photoshoots, but even then did ya really need to section off parts of that area. Yeah, I could get through still, but it made so much traffic in that spot, it almost made me considering going down a floor then up a few times!

Next up, I gotta talk about the pipe. Contrary to what a lot of people have memed (Funny as they are), it was a water pipe from the hotel’s kitchen that had grey water, not a sewage pipe with crap in it. It happened to burst in the Artist’s Alley, and while there wasn’t a massive amount of damage, there was enough damage to some of the artist’s tables that the whole alley had to close for the rest of Friday, and open late on Saturday. Now, that’s pretty bad in it’s own right, but apparently people have been telling the hotel for ages that there were issues with the pipes, and the hotel either doesn’t listen or doesn’t care. Give the Katsucon staff credit in this regard: they acted decisively & quickly once the pipe burst, and I hope that whoever was affected got their money back. 

Burst pipe rains on KatsuCon attendees and displays at Gaylord National Harbor (WJLA)

Finally, there was the VIP issue. Normally I’d talk about it in full, but here’s a post from the 21+ page (Courtesy of poster Kelvin Bracero) that explains it better than me:

At the Q&A with the chairs of Katsucon asked about the situation with VIPs. The website STILL CURRENTLY says “front of line privileges” but all we had that for was live events and merchants/dealers. Apparently they were going to send a letter out AFTER you already bought your ticket. But they dropped the ball and didn’t send any out. They emailed last minute on the Thursday of the con.....but the are choosing to follow their policies and not offer any refunds after January.....even though they told us about this change as the con was starting.....this is legitimately false advertising. Paying $100 extra each ticket with my group and then taking away the main perk last minute.

Convinces me to never sign up for VIP if you ask me.

Final Thoughts & Rating
Katsucon 2025 was fun for me. Warts & all, I enjoyed my time at the Gaylord & interacting with the horde of convention goers. It’s become my go-to convention to start the year off, and with things being the way they are politically here in the United States right now, we all need a slice of heaven in a sea of hell. Hopefully by next year, we can all laugh just a little bit louder. Regardless, I think most of us had a damn good time, and I look forward to what we got in 2026.

Katsucon 2025 gets an 8 to 8.5 out of 10. Artists that got affected by the pipe burst will probably rate their experience 1 to 2 points lower.

And that was my review for Katsucon 2025. With it being 30 years old in 2025, I hope it gets to 60 in 2055, and newer generations will appreciate the maelstrom of insanity that is the Gaylord by then. So, with that out of the way, I got my last no. 4 album review of 2020 coming in soon, and after that, it’s onto no. 3. See you soon!

If you’d like to read my review of last year’s Katsucon, click on the link below:

Katsucon 2024

Monday, February 10, 2025

Album Review: Lordi's Killection (A Fictional Compilation)

My early look at the number 4 albums of 2020 begins here fellow Otaku & Metalheads!

We’ve got ourselves a fun one everybody! Hailing from the metallic wonderland known as Finland, and they’ve actually managed to crawl their way into one of my lists before 2020 just 2 years prior. Longtime readers might known who I’m talking about, but for those who are fairly knew, I’m speaking of the B-movie monsters known as Lordi! Since the early 2000s, these devotees to all things KISS, Heavy Metal, and Hokey Horror have crafted records that are equal parts fun & frightening! Lordi’s outing in the beginning of this decade is no exception, but it might also be their most unique. So, sit down in from of the radio, turn on the nostalgia, and enjoy my review for Killection. Let’s begin!

Taken from Wikipedia:

On 27 September 2019, Lordi announced the title of their tenth album Killection. It was released on 31 January 2020, followed by a European tour titled "Killectour" in support of the album the same year. The band has said that this album is considered a 'fictional compilation' album and would contain songs you would normally hear in the early 1970s to mid-1990s. Their single from the album "Shake the Baby Silent", was released on 8 November 2019. Their second single off the album, "I Dug a Hole in the Yard for You", was released on 29 November 2019 along with a music video. The third single off the album, "Like a Bee to the Honey", was released on 17 January 2020.

It is the first album to feature Hiisi on bass guitar, following the departure of longtime member OX.

Basic Description
A musical buffet.

There have been plenty of albums I’ve listened to over the years where I’ve said something along the lines of “Something For Everyone”, but Killection marks the first time that sentiment feels genuine! You’ve got mid-90s Rob Zombie-esque Industrial (More on that in a moment), early 90s Thrash Metal, 80s Pop-like tunes, and all the way to Disco & 70s Rock. There really is a surprising variety of musical styles on here, so if there something you don’t like, there is always something you will enjoy just around the corner. Coupled with the story that Lordi is telling in between the music (More on that below), and Killection is a really neat experience that you should listen to at least once!

Best Track
Shake The Baby Silent from the first moment I heard it made me become an instant fan. This was the mid-90s Industrial I mentioned above, and the Rob Zombie influences are apparent from the opening second. You got the weird sound effects, the groove-like instrumentation & keyboard, the nonsensical lyrics that non the less paint a picture you just can’t look away from, and the gruff vocal work from a being that sounds like some warlock alone in his lair. It might not have been the strongest song to begin previewing Killection, but it was the right song.

Shake The Baby Silent

The other aspect that I thought was a plus in Killection’s favor was the story. Peppered all throughout the album are segments from the in-universe radio station SGC, and as you’re listening to the record, you’re basically hearing the music that the radio DJ named Rockin Ruiz is playing for the listeners. Not only that, but he takes calls from some rather quirky people, and by the very end claims he has a record that’ll open up the gates of hell if it’s played.....but no spoilers!

Worst Track
Even though it says “A Fictional Compilation” on the front cover, Killection shares the exact same problem I have with almost every other compilation I’ve ever listened to. Mainly, the fact that the songs aren’t in chronological order. Even with the surprisingly structured story I talked about earlier, the music is seemingly thrown around haphazardly! I’m giving a little bit of slack though, as I think it was done this way because of the story they were telling. Still, it’s really annoying that things weren’t put into chronological order, as we could have a clearer picture of the band the record’s story was trying to convey.

If you’re curious about listening to this album, then click on the link below:

Killection (A Fictional Compilation)

Overall Impression & Rating
Killection is an embodiment of what a Fun album should be, and despite the annoying placement of the songs, it manages to be catchy to me still after all this time. Though I didn’t mention it above, I should briefly mention that this release did manage to inspire one of Lordi’s biggest project’s in their entire career....but that’ll have to be for another time. Regardless, this mish-mash of musical styles was a treat from start to finish, and you would have to be a lunatic to not enjoy this album!

Killection gets a 9 out of 10.

And that was my look at Killection. Wonky song order not withstanding, it managed to be an entertaining release for me in a year that kept me cooped up in my home for the massive majority of 2020. However, we didn’t have just monsters come out of Finland that year. A band that is all too familiar from the land of snow & salted licorice made a statement that year as well, so see you all towards the end of the month for a look at Turmion Katilot, but beforehand I’ll have my review for Katsucon 2025 up for you. Until then, take care!

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Metal Overview: Slaughter

Been a while since I did a smaller Metal Overview fellow Otaku & Metalheads!

As much fun as it is to cover a band with a giant library of music, sometimes it’s nice to look at a group that has a more humble output, and the band I’ve chosen is a strange one for some. Coming in at a time where their style of metal was just about out the door, these Las Vegas boys none the less held fast to what they wanted to play, and managed to achieve a surprising amount of success. I rediscovered them in recent memory, and it seemed only right that I chose this group to be the first covered on Metal Overview for 2025. So, without further delay, here’s my look at the 1990s Hard Rock/Glam Metal band Slaughter. Let’s begin!

Stick It To Ya (1990)

The year was 1990. Heavy Metal, while still popular, would get taken out of the spotlight a year or two later by the musical colossus known as Grunge, but Hair Metal was almost out of the public consciousness as soon as the new decade came in, outside of a few small holdouts that some people had a slim interest in still. Enter the band Slaughter: formed in late 1988, lead vocalist Mark Slaughter and bassist Dana Strum were previously in ex-Kiss member Vinnie Vincent’s group, the Vinnie Vincent Invasion. After Chrysalis Records took the $4 million contract away from Vincent for exceeding his credit line with the label, it was then transferred over to Slaughter and Strum (Who were former band members, btw), and in 1989 the two would complete the lineup with lead guitarist Tim Kelly and drummer Blas Elias. After the formation was finished, the band would enter the studio from May to June of 1989, and on the 23rd of January in 1990, their first record Stick It To Ya was released.
Commercially, Stick It To Ya did a surprisingly good job in the music charts! It wound up selling over 2 million copies in 1990, becoming one of the biggest selling records of that year. It would also chart at no. 18 on the Billboard 200, and by the end of 1990 it would go to no. 23. On top of that, Stick It To Ya would produce 3 singles (Up All Night, Fly To The Angels, Spend My Life), and have music videos for the previously mentioned singles. Pretty impressive if you ask me!

Best Track? Even if you never listened to this album, or even this band to be honest, I have a sneaking suspicion that some of you may have hear Fly To The Angels on the radio at one time. An incredibly soulful & blues influenced track, it becomes all the more sorrowful once you find out the inspiration for it. As Mark Slaughter said in an interview in 2017:

That song was written about a girlfriend who I went to high school with. I remember I came back from touring and couldn’t get a hold of her. So I asked a friend and he told me he hadn’t seen her. The next thing I know, he calls me back with the news that she had passed away and the funeral was the next day. It was one of those surreal moments. I went to her funeral and it inspired me to write a song about letting go. There’s a real sense of composure in going through those life events that I’m always very conscious of in my music. Seeing what it does for other people is why I continue to write.

Fly To The Angels

Worst Track? To be perfectly honest, Stick It To Ya doesn’t have a single bad track on it! From top to bottom it’s a hell of a good time, and thankfully there are plenty of people who still remember it. Really it’s own fault is the timing of it’s release: like I said earlier, once it hit 1990, Glam Metal was largely ignored by music listeners outside of some holdouts. To be honestly, it was beginning to leave the musical zeitgeist towards the end of the 1980s.....but that’s a story for another time.

Stick It To Ya. A shockingly good start for a band who’s style wasn’t the juggernaut it used to be, it would establish the band as one of the best of the decade. If by any chance this record interests you, the please listen whenever you can. Next album!

The Wild Life (1992)

Stick It To Ya ended up being a surprising success for Slaughter. Despite Glam Metal almost being out the door as the 90s continued onward, the band’s first release proved that even though it wasn’t massively popular anymore, people still liked that style of music. Because of that love from the fans, not to mention the boost of energy they got from said fans, the band went into the studio in 1991 to record their second album, and on the 21st of April a year later, The Wild Life was released. Ironically, it would chart higher than Stick It To Ya from 2 years prior. Number 8 on the Billboard 200 to be exact, and it would get enough sales to the point where it would be certified Gold. Funny enough, the album didn’t produce any singles that got into the Top 40 Hits on the US Hot 100, though one song did get to the no. 69 spot if you can believe it.

Best Track? Real Love (The song that got to no. 69, btw) harkens back to the Glam Metal height of the 1980s, and it isn’t ashamed of that at all! If anything, it almost feels like the band’s take on the Whitesnake classic Still Of The Night: the instrumentation evokes feelings of sensual love that’s equal parts real & forbidden, and Mark Slaughter’s vocal work just grabs you from the moment he starts singing. The run time is shorter than Still Of The Night, and because of that you’ll have to listen a few time for it to stick.....but when it’s this good, it’s not an issue in any way!

Real Love

Worst Track? Kinda like Stick It To Ya, The Wild Life’s only real fault is timing. It came out at a time where Glam Metal wasn’t really in vogue anymore, only this time it came out a few months after the musical colossus known as Nevermind, and was practically shoved into the closet. It does explain why (at least in my opinion) there’s a hint of Grunge here and there on the album. Not enough to push it away from Hard Rock & Glam Metal in any way, but noticeable enough if you manage to catch it.

The Wild Life. Simultaneously it own thing while possibly adding something new to the mix, it manage to come out stronger than it’s predecessor despite Glam Metal not really being a thing anymore. If Stick It To Ya didn’t work out for you, then perhaps this release will. Next album!

Fear No Evil (1995)

Things were rough for Slaughter after The Wild Life came out. Prior to the recording of their 3rd album, lead singer Mark Slaughter was recovering from nodule surgery on his vocal cords, Tim Kelly was arrested for charges of drug trafficking in 1993, and bassist Dana Strum was rehabilitating from a motorcycle accident that injured his playing hand around the same time. Because of this, recording on the new record was rough, though the songs were completely written during that time. Even then there was still some trouble, as Chrysalis Records was absorbed into EMI Records, and EMI would drop the band from their label not long after that. Luckily, Slaughter got a deal with CMC International, which was a relatively new record label at the time. Once they secured a new deal, and launched a contest to determine the new album’s name, they got back into the studio from 1993 to 1994, and on the 2nd of May in 1995, Fear No Evil was released.

Fear No Evil would go on to be one of the worst charting releases of Slaughter’s career, making it to no. 182 on the Billboard 200. It would go on to sell around 500,000 copies, have a video make for the track Searching, and the band did manage to promote this CD with a North America tour, as well as selling surprisingly well in Japan if you can believe it. Definitely not as impressive as what came before, that’s for sure.

Best Track? Breakdown N' Cry is one of the biggest examples of full-blown Blues Metal I’ve ever listened to! Though it leans more in the Blues sides of things, there’s still some metallic undertones when it comes to the instrumentation (Especially around the end) & the vibes it was trying to create. This isn’t a fast song either, as it goes by nice & slow for just over 6 minutes. Just as the Blues should go by.

Breakdown N' Cry

Worst Track? Really the only bad thing that’s going against Fear No Evil is the startling lack of Glam Metal elements in the music. There’s still some traces of it in a few tracks, but for the most part it’s nowhere to be heard. To play devil’s advocate, it was the mid-90s by this point, and Hair Metal was pretty much non-existent at this point, but it seems as if Slaughter was doing everything they could to go along with the times. This musical shift would continue over the rest of this decade, for the better.....but maybe for the worst.

Fear No Evil. Not as good as the band’s prior 2 records, but it still manages to be entertaining all the same. I don’t recommend it as strongly as I do Stick It To Ya & The Wild Life, but it’s still nice to listen all the same. Now before I go on, I will say that information on the next 2 releases will be sparse. My primary source of information on bands (Metal & Otherwise) doesn’t have as much info on what’s to come, so I hope that’s okay. Next album!

Revolution (1997)

By the time that the tour for Fear No Evil was coming to an end, Tim Kelly’s legal trouble from the drug trafficking charges a few years prior ended. After that situation ended, and everybody was back on the same page, Slaughter went back into the studio to record their 4th album, and on the 20th of May in 1997, Revolution was released. The record.....did not do so good. In fact, it didn’t even make it onto the billboard 200. There weren’t any music videos as far as I know, but I think there might have been a tour for it.

Best Track? Hard To Say Goodbye mark the only track in my opinion that kept it’s Glam Metal past mostly intact. The more modern recording & production quality along with the Grunge vibes keep this from sounding like something you’d hear in the 80s, yet there’s still plenty of nostalgia from the prior decade coming in hard that you really can’t avoid it at all. To a certain extent, It almost sounds & feels like Old LA Tonight from Ozzy Osbourne’s Ozzmosis from 2 years prior, what with the feelings of nostalgia and looking at the past. It may be cheese in some respects, but it’s that cheese factor that makes me smile so much.

Hard To Say Goodbye

Worst Track? Like Fear No Evil, Revolution’s only real fault is the lack of Glam Metal elements. It’s more apparent on this issue, as the music went much more down the eclectic and psychedelic road I talked about earlier. You can still get a trace of Glam here & there, but you gotta pay really close attention in order to find it. However, I still find the shift to be pleasant on the ears, and is still a nice change. However, it’s a shame that it came at the cost of their prior identity.

Revolution. Though the abandoning of their Glam Metal roots is sad, the potential for Slaughter to be a great eclectic and psychedelic band is definitely there. If you like your music to be a little weird at times, then definitely give this record a try. Unfortunately, not only did the album not chart, but by 1998, tragedy would strike. Next album.

Back To Reality (1999)

Like I said a moment ago, by the time it reached 1998, tragedy would strike Slaughter. On the 5th of February in that year, longtime band member Tim Kelly would pass away in Arizona due to a car accident. His passing hit the band pretty hard, but none the less they trudged on, as they didn’t want to be stuck because of grief. Dave Marshall would briefly perform with them while they were in Japan, but Tim’s full-time replacement came in the form of Jeff Blando. His prior groups were Left For Dead and Saigon Kick, so he definitely has some credit to his name. Once they got their replacement, they went right into the studio, and on the 29th of June in 1999, their final album Back To Reality was release. Like Revolution, it failed to chart on the Billboard 200, and there weren’t any music videos or touring as far as I know.

Best Track? Kinda gotta give to the tracks Love Is Forever & Dangerous. Both tunes come across as incredibly nostalgic, as while there aren’t any Glam Metal elements to be heard, the vibes & the energy of these two songs most certainly conjure the Glam scene of the 1980s to early 90s. There’s even some cheese factor from that time as well, and yet it’s not overwhelming either. Please don’t skip these two when you hear them!

Love Is Forever


However, I gotta give some very high Honorable Mentions to Silence Of Ba. From the moment I first heard this, it almost came across like a Devin Townsend instrumental. Maybe not in terms of instrumentation (Even though the instruments sounded similar to what HevyDevy would do in the 90s), but the vibes come across like that of something that the Mad Canadian would unleash upon one’s ears. Definitely a pleasant surprise!

Silence Of Ba

Worst Track? To be honest, at this point in Slaughter’s career they’ve all but abandoned their Glam Metal origins, and seemingly embraced a late 90s Hard Rock shell that’s got some eclectic & psychedelic spots painted on it. You might, and I do mean MIGHT, get a minuscule sliver of Glam in some rare moments, but by 1999 the band was done with what got them so popular in the first place. To play devil’s advocate again, it was 1999, and by this point nobody was asking for the subgenre anymore except in cases where they wanted to experience a flood of nostalgia. Even so, you almost feel like you gotta do a double take when you listen to this record for the first time, as fans from the beginning of the decade might not believe what they’re hearing at first.

Back To Reality. The furthest away from 1990, yet the quality from prior releases is still very much accounted for. If you were a longtime fan that was disillusioned by Glam Metal in the 90s, or you’re a fan of 90s Rock, then this is the album for you!

And that was my look at Slaughter. Perhaps a bit too late to the 80s Glam Metal party, but none the less they managed to hold onto a little of that time’s musical magic. Even if they never produce a new album, the ones they did are wonderful in their own right. So with that, February continues onward, and in a few weeks I’ll have my review for Katsucon 2025. Until then, take care!

If you’re curious about listening to these albums, click on the links below:

Stick It To Ya (w Bonus Tracks)

The Wild Life (w Bonus Tracks)

Fear No Evil


Back To Reality

Also, if you would like a documentary on the band, check out the link below:

Slaughter - The Wild Life (Documentary 1991)

Saturday, February 1, 2025

MTG Set Review: Theros Beyond Death

Happy 1st of February fellow Otaku & Metalheads?

So, uh, the rest of last month was a bit of a shitshow. Already, the beginning of the 2nd Trump administration bent the United States over the table & started molesting it, but at least nothing blew up, so I’ll take what we can get. In the meantime, we’re now at the number 4 spot of my albums from 2020, but that’s not all I have in store for this month! I’ve got a few extra goodies I’m releasing, and today’s is something I alluded to on the 1st of January. MTG was pretty big in 2020, and the first output was pretty big. It was a return to a fairly recent plane we all went to, but one that was going through some pretty massive turmoil. Old characters came back, new ones emerged, and plans were set into motion that would affect the plane a few years later. So, craft that gold mask, escape the underworld, and get a look at my review for Theros Beyond Death. Let’s begin!

Story & Setting
Taken from the MTG Wiki:

There is no ebook for Theros Beyond Death, nor were there weekly updates for Magic Story. It was revealed that the blowback from War of the Spark: Forsaken caused the Theros Beyond Death fiction to be delayed. The Franchise Team tried to find the correct time and channel to release it at a later point in time.

The set focuses on the Underworld of Theros over the normal world of the plane, with a major plot point being the return of Klothys, the Therosian god of destiny. It features the planeswalker Elspeth Tirel and her torturer Ashiok.

The Gods are at war, and they bring their champions to fight. Elspeth breaks free and defeats Heliod with a weapon created from her past traumas. Klothys finds out about Elspeth escaping the Underworld so she is sending someone to bring her back to the Underworld or capture her.

The blurb is just a condensation of what goes on in the set. There is a lot more that goes on than what’s above, and for the most part it’s actually pretty entertaining & well written. However, I will also say that there are places where story & characters are rather rushed. I’ll bring it up again a little later, but I thought I heard back then that Beyond Death was meant to be 2 sets, not one. Given that almost every main release since then has just been one, it’s entirely possible.

The original Theros had wonderful artwork, and Beyond Death continues this quality. Many of the images seen really show off the Greco-Roman nature of the plane incredibly well: from the populace, to all of the various creatures, and the magic that many have access to, it’s clear that the art team were putting in a lot of work. My favorite detail that was in the first release of Theros that comes back in space in this second outing is the enchantment theme of constellations & stars. Because the gods come from & live in the stars (Save for Erebos, who dwells in the Underworld), the various beings born from them look like they’re partially made from stars, and much of the magic of the plane looks like it’s manipulating stars & constellations as well. It’s a pretty interesting take on Greco-Roman mythology, and it continues to be stunning 5 years later.

For the most part, Theros Beyond Death shares some of the mechanics from the original Theros block. Constellation has return, as well as the overarching theme of Enchantments. Whether it’s enchantment creatures (Including the gods of the plane), simple enchantments & auras alongside sagas, or even enchantment artifacts, it’s all back on the table. Given the theme of the Underworld coming into play, they gave us a new mechanic called Escape. Representing getting out of the realm of the dead, it’s actually pretty easy to understand: you tap some mana, and then you remove some cards from your graveyard from the game, and the amount of cards to remove is right next to the mana cost. On top of that, creatures with the mechanic often come back a little stronger after escaping, or they create an effect when they escape. Either way, it’s a flavorful mechanic, and one I hope comes back in the future!

Negative Aspects
Theros Beyond Death only had 2 bad spots in my view. The first point would be the somewhat rushed nature of the set. I don’t know if this was true or not (Probably was), but I could have sworn that TBD was meant to be 2 sets instead of one. If that was the case, it could explain why parts of the story went by fast (There are 3 Titans mentions, but only 2 got released in 2020, with the last in 2024 in Modern Horizons 3). Secondly, and maybe this is more of a nitpick than anything else, but the Escape mechanic can a little irksome to me. Flavor wise it’s perfect, as it shows off how those who are trapped in the Underworld can get out. My issues are that it’s spread out a bit unevenly among the colors, and the fact that there are a few non-creatures with the mechanic as well. Again, I give it to flavor reasons some non-creature spells have them, but it just come across as odd to me.

Overall Impression & Rating
Theros Beyond Death was a fun way to start the 2020 MTG season. It was a return to a fan favorite plane, and it had some new twists that made it different when compared to it’s first appearance. Sure, it felt rushed in a spot or two, and perhaps some of the mechanics were clunky, but our trip to the Underworld of Theros was neat. Hopefully if we go back a 3rd time, things will be smoothed out by then.

Theros Beyond Death gets an 8 to 8.5  out of 10.

And that was my review for Theros Beyond Death. A little dented in some spots, but still comes out strong everywhere else. So, I’ll see you tomorrow for my annual metal overview for my friend Al, and then before the 15th of this month, when we’ll look at a monstrous compilation, and not long after that my review for Katsucon 2025. See you later!