Monday, May 18, 2015

The Top 5 Anime I'm Looking Forward To

Hey there fellow Otaku & Metal Heads!

I want to apologize before I start. I said in my last review that I was going to review, and I quote, “A more mature series”. Let me make things clear: I was not going to review a hentai. I’m sorry about any confusion, but I wasn’t trying to insinuate anything. In the meantime, as I’m getting that review ready, I wanted to get out some quick content for you guys. With the anime that’s getting put out, there are probably some titles that we’re excited for. I’ve definitely got some titles I’m interested in. Some more so than others. So to tide things over, here are the top 5 anime that I’m looking forward to. Enjoy!

5) Shokugeki no Souma (Trailer)

This show started in the spring, but it’ still making it’s presence known in the coming months. If you liked Yakitake Japan, but wanted more fan service, than Shokugeki no Souma is definitely for you! What’s most surprising about this show is how surprisingly educational it can be. Even though it’s only 6 episodes in, the show throws a lot of real-life facts about food & cooking. It certainly makes me want to cook some of the recipes shown, even if I enjoy this series for all the wrong reasons.

4) High School Star Musical (Trailer)

Warped curiosity. That’s the reason why this pretty-boy series is on the list. Since 2014, I’ve noticed that more & more shows like this (And shows like this, but with a twist) somehow manage to cross my path. Hell, even the story of High School Star Musical come across as similar to other pretty-boy shows (*Cough* Uta No Price Sama *Cough*). Just take a look!:

Yuuta Hoshiya enters Ayana Academy, a school focusing on show business activities, specifically music. The academy has a group of three students with the highest grades in the musical department, and they are known as the Kao Kai (Cherry Blossom Flower Association). This organization stands at the top of the pecking order within the academy. The shortcut to entering the musical department is to enter the Star Frame class, which is directly taught by the members, and to be recognized by them. Unfortunately, due to their own problems, students Touru, Kaito, Shou, Shu, and Yuuta are all struggling to even remain candidates for the musical department. By a stroke of luck, however, the five are spotted by Kao Kai member Ootori, and they attract his interest.

Yeah, this normally isn’t some I like (A friend is dragging me into this movie, kicking & screaming), but I’m going into it regardless. Hopefully, I’m not having rage fits by the time I’m done watching this show.

3) Himouto! Umaru-chan (Manga)

Adorable! This is the one word that I can use to describe this upcoming series. Premise is actually rather simple: An older brother’s little sister, on the surface, is kind, sweet & smart, but when she comes home she turns into what is essentially a little kid. Hijinks insues between the brother & sister, with other people getting pulled into their strange little world. It’s a really cute looking show, and doesn’t seem too heavy for the most part. If you’ve watched a bunch of more serious shows recently, then this will be a nice treat when it comes out.

2) Gakusen Toshi Asterisk (Trailer)

Okay, I will fully admit it. I’m looking forward to this simple because it has “Ecchi” in it’s descriptor. I know pretty much next to nothing about it, apart from the fact that it has a manga. Even the descriptor I found for it seems a little vague:

The Academy City on water, "Rikka". This city, otherwise known as 'Asterisk', was famous for being the world's largest stage for the integrated battle entertainment . The young boys and girls of the belonging to the six academies made their wishes with Shining Armaments in their hands, vying for supremacy -- Amagiri Ayato is one of them.

Ayato arrived at Rikka at the invitation of the Student Council President of the Seidoukan Academy, Claudia, and right after that he incurred the wrath of the Julis, and ended up having to duel her.

The greatest academy battle entertainment, begins here!

Yeah, being excited for a show just because of fan-service is rather shameless. If you’ve met me in person, you won’t be surprised by this. Speaking of fan-service.....

1) Monster Musume: Everyday Life with Monster Girls (Trailer)

I read the online translation religiously. I own the first 6 volumes, and I read those...religiously. When I heard the rumblings that a Monster Musume anime was in the works, I was getting my body ready. Then I saw the preview pictures, and I let loose such a Heavy Metal Squee that the shockwaves are probably still traveling through space to this day. Despite the challenges that might be present with animating some of the girls, I am excited for this series! A harem series with a twist, Monster Musume: Everyday Life with Monster Girls has something for everybody. You want fan-service? There’s fan-service! You want romance? You’ve got romance! You want a series that’s lighthearted but thoughtful? You’ve got that too!

Monster Musume: Everyday Life with Monster Girls, quite possibly the one anime this entire year that I’m 100% excited for, and you should be too!

So these were my top 5 anime that I’m excited for this year. Hopefully, you might find something here to put on your list!

See you next week, when I’ll post up the review I promised last time!

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