Thursday, July 28, 2016

Food For Thought/Thought for Food No. 4: The 2016 Election

Hello fellow Otaku & Metalheads, and welcome to my 4th Food for Thought/Thought for Food!

As you can tell by the title of today's post, not to mention the pictures used in question, that I'll be talking about the shape of the 2016 election. Wow, this has been quite the clusterfuck! Without going into details about the candidates, I can safely say this has been the messiest campaign I've ever been witness too. Messier than Bush v Gore, and messier that both of the Obama campaigns, this race has been nothing short of a pissing contest. Both sides have been slinging mud, insults, probably a little excrement, and falsehoods since the damn thing started. It doesn't help matters that the news media (TV & Internet) kept adding fuel to the fire, creating an even more volatile battlefield. Granted, 2015 was kind of entertaining with how childish everybody was, but now? We're almost halfway through this year, and already I'm seeing the Canadian border inch closer & closer. If you're a foreigner looking at this race from the outside going in, you're probably thinking we're crazy......and you're right!

So now let's look at the candidates. Let's start off with the Republican side of things, and look at Donald Trump. Donald....J....Trump. Immediately upon typing his name twice, I may have lost a few brain cells. Let's be perfectly honest, when we first saw him go down the escalator last year & announce that he was running, we all laughed. Then he kept going.....and going......and going! In the ensuing time, this man has done nothing but be racist, sexist, homophobic, and xenophobic the entire time. This man has been horrible to reporters (Anyone remember the "Disabled Reporter" incident?), bounces around questions that burst his bullshit bubble, and is a horrific liar. Don't believe me? Check out this link !

Fact-Checking Donald Trump's Acceptance Speech At The 2016 RNC

To any of my Republican/Conservative friends & acquaintances, do you see this!? Do you see how much of a pathological liar this man is!? Do you see how much Mr. Trump cherry picks his facts, all in a weak effort to make himself look good!? It is baffling at how so many people go along with Trump, believing every single damn thing he says, and burying their heads in the sand when facts get put in front of them! I can only assume so many follow Trump, is because of four little words.

"Make America Great Again"

Are you kidding me!? You believe that this man can accomplish this!? A man, who's gone bankrupt 3 times, divorced & remarried 3 times (Cheated one the 1st one if I remember right), setup a phony college, constantly objectified women throughout his run of the Miss America contest, clearly is not a religious man, has zero knowledge of family values. Hell, he wasn't even able to start his business on his own, having to borrow cash from his father, all the while making it look like he did it himself. Yet, you think this guy is the paragon of Republican/Conservative virtue!? This man doesn't give two shits about the average joe. "Make America Great Again"........yeah, he'll do that.......for the rich!

Let's get off of the handicapped buzzcut gerbil, and talk about Trump's opponent, Hillary Clinton. On the one hand, it's about time that we have a female leader. We've had white guys forever, and while Barack Obama was important to the presidential history of the United States, it's only a single step in a progressive direction. When we get a female leader, it'll be a sign to the rest of the world as to how far we're coming along. On the other hand......Hillary is the wrong woman for this job. Dare I say this, Hillary's actions during this campaign have been incredibly Republican-like. She's been weaselly, she's been ambushing from behind, and has been conspiring with the DNC to discredit those that would be a threat to her run (More on that in a bit). Then you've got the e-mails, scandals, and other things that cast a shadow on her & her character. A woman leader would most definitely be an incredible change here in America, and one that a lot of people would welcome (Man & woman alike), but Hillary Clinton is not that woman!

As you can plainly see, I don't like either of the candidates. It has been ages since there's was an election season where both candidates are fetid pits of ass, and for the first time in my entire life.....I'm tempted to not vote in this election. I'm incredibly tempted. Why? Because I believe that both individuals will do hordes of damage that might very well can't be fixed. I won't repeat myself, but Trump & Hillary's resume is nothing short of falsehoods & hellfire. I shudder at the thought of either of these two getting into the White House. That being said....if I did have to vote for would have to be Hillary.

As scummy as she is. As much of a backstabbing coward as she is. As much of an anti-woman as she is....she is much more qualified than a racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, elitest, fear-mongeric gerbil. Period!

On the other hand, you can do what my final thoughts says: just let everything burn to the ground, but don't do it yourself. Let the candidates, political parties, & media do it. They've been doing a good job of that already.

So this was my take on the states of politics here in the United States. Certainly a barren wasteland of common sense if you ask me. I'm gonna go to my happy place so I don't pop a blood vessel, but in the meantime part 3 of the Summer of Thrash is just a few days away, so there's that to look forward to. See you then!

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