Sunday, January 27, 2019

Food For Thought/Thought For Food No. 11: Please Be Fake (#KickVic, Allegations, and #MeToo)(Updated)

In the past few days, more & more allegations of homophobia and sexual assault have risen against voice actor Vic Mignogna. Since the time of my post, said allegations have gotten much darker and have gained traction not only among Vic's critics, but even among voice actors that have worked with him as well. Since I posted this a few days back, my thoughts on the matter have changed drastically. Originally I was planning on making a completely new post, but I decided not too on account of it feeling like I would be erasing my original thoughts on this. For simplicity's sake, I've kept my original feelings on the matter below so you can see them, and decide whether or not to change your own perspective on things. Anyways, here are my new thoughts on the allegations of Vic Mignogna. It's not going to be pretty.

For starters, let me say that I believe.....most of the allegations. There are a couple of them that seem a little outlandish & manufactured, but no. I believe each & every single fucking one of them. All of these have been cropping up since the late 2000s, and if you believe some of the more obscure stories, the Vic stories have been happening since all the way back in 2003! These stories wouldn't have been sticking around if there wasn't at least a sliver of truth. If there wasn't a kernel of honesty underneath the muck and filth. You know it's bad when not only the average joe believes most of these stories, but when fellow voice actors believe them also. Vic, you have people in your own fucking circle coming out and basically saying "Yeah, he's kind of a scumbag"! You have people you've worked with saying you're a piece of shit! Open up your eyes, pull your head out of your ass, and realize you might not be hot shit!

Secondly, I've actually seen you in person! Taking the time machine all the way back to Genericon 2011, you were the biggest guest of that convention (Might have been the only guest that year). You came in late on Friday cause of weather I think (which I can't complain about), so I understand why the panel got pushed. Saturday comes around, and it's the big day of your panel....and holy hell was it packed! In fact, I had a bit of an interaction with you during the panel, and after the panel when I gave you a little care package I made. Early Sunday comes around, and I decided to go to your little Sunday morning service/panel. I admit it was kind of fun, especially since I was still kind of an atheist at the time. Later on that day you were doing signing, and I managed to get you to sign my Faiths & Pantheons (Forgotten Realms) book, which was a nice conclusion to my weekend that year.

Since the rumors have been creeping back up, my feelings about that weekend have shifted somewhat. In no way do I regret that weekend, nor do I regret encountering you & getting your autograph. However, I found you to be a little too smooth for my taste. Like you were trying to pull strings, or maybe somehow grasp my inner being with a personality that might not have been 100% real. Just thinking about that time now makes me feel a little weird, and in hindsight perhaps something was going on.

And finally, there's this. This is the list of conventions that Vic Mignogna is supposed to go to this year. Notice anything!?

That's right: out of 14 conventions he was supposed to go to, 10 of them basically said "Yeah, you're not stepping a foot here". Vic, you done goofed. You shot your foot off. Your real colors are being shown, and you're not even necessarily the guy that's doing it! This should be the sign that maybe you need to slink into the shadows, or retire at this point. Maybe lay low for a while, and just maybe people might forgive you for what you've done.

So that was my update.

(Last month marked my 10th entry in my Food For Thought/Thought For Food series. In each of those posts, I covered something/ranted about a topic that in a weird way, I wanted to talk or yell about. I was actually impressed that I only did two of these in 2018, because despite all of the bullshit that happened in that year, it's amazing that I didn't do more. With the start of 2019, I was hoping that I wouldn't have to do one of these. I was thinking that maybe, just maybe, January wouldn't give me any kind of material to do one of these. Nope! I was wrong!!!

In recent weeks, allegations against famed voice actor Vic Mignogna have cropped up against past supposed incidents of sexual misconduct, homophobia, and numerous other things best left in the closet. Despite some of said allegations cropping up recently, many of these began in 2010. Hell, some of them started as far back as the mid to late 2000s!. I say supposed incidents, because there's be little to no proof of what actually happened, and what little there has been seems more coincidental than anything else. Regardless of whether or not these incidents are real, the unfortunate hashtag #KickVic has cropped because of this, and more likely the MeToo movement were the ones to start it in the first place.

To the MeToo movement......fuck off! You got Kevin Spacy, and you nabbed Harvey Weinstein, but after your big target, you have since gone out of your way to kill any potential in your message. Since then, countless guys/men in show business have been the target under your laser eyes, getting burned by your gaze. A couple have managed to recover well enough (Chris Hardwick immediately comes to mind in this regard), but more often than not their lives have been ruined for what I can only perceive as imagined slights brought about by the need for revenge. Given how badly handled the Asia Argento incident was after Anthony Bourdain's suicide last year, it's obvious that you don't believe in your message anymore (Though to give some credit, some realize it's bullshit & formed an offshoot). With this #KickVic hastag made, you continue to sink further & further into the barrel. Hell, you've probably gone underground at this point with your bullshit.

And To Vic Mignogna, if you happen to see this.......I pray for you. I pray to the Christian god you believe in, I pray to the metal gods who rock & once rocked, and I pray to the anime gods above that none of these rumors & allegations are real. I've only met you once way back in 2011, and prior to that I've only seen you in a few videos & shows, but I believe that you're one of the kindest & honest people out there in the world. You love your job, you love your fans, and most of all you love life! I pray for you, because if even 1 or 2 of these accusations/rumors are true, then you will have killed all respect the fanbase has for you, and your career & reputation will be ruined. Again, I pray.)

So that's my first Food For Thought/Thought For Food of 2019, and again, I was really hoping that nothing would come up to get me to do one of these. Luckily, February is just a few days away, and that means my little themed month special is coming. It will definitely cleanse our pallet after something so unsavory.

If you want to see an article that talks about what I covered but with less swearing, check out the link below.

Dragon Ball Super: Broly voice actor responds to sexual harassment, homophobia claims (Polygon)

Updated on February 5, 2019, 1:11 AM, Eastern Standard Time

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