Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Food For Thought/Thought For Food No. 14: In Defense Of Grunge (aka Grunge Didn't "Kill" Metal)

This is a rant I've been saving up for a longtime now. Ever since I started my Food For Thought/Thought For Food series back in 2016, I knew one day that I would rant & rave about the subject matter of this post. I got the start of my musical festival for 2019 in just a few short days, and given it's theme, I find it eerily appropriate that I put this out before it starts. Anyways, on with my speel!

Like a huge chunk of us, we're probably familiar with the musical style known as Grunge. First originating in the mid 1980s, it was a form of music that took elements of Punk & Indie Rock and Heavy Metal, and dealt with themes such as social alienation, emotional isolation, & psychological trauma. It was a style that was oddly reflective in the 80s, and far more so in the 90s. For some, it acted as a catharsis. Others appreciated it unique style of instrumentation. For a few others, however, Grunge is the antichrist of music. The sole single force behind the "Death" of Heavy Metal in the 90s, not to mention that it also somehow......magical & mysteriously.....caused good music to "Evaporate" from the United States. To those within this third school of though about Grunge, may I just say.....fuck you!

Grunge didn't "Kill" Metal.....Metal helped kill Metal! Heavy Metal is solely responsible for the apparent "Asskicking" it received in the 1990s.....actually, that's not exactly true. Heavy Metal isn't completely responsible for it's supposed downfall in the last great decade of this country. It's actually a mix of two aspects: Hair Metal, and the record companies that ran them into the ground. Let's start with the first one.

Now let me start off by saying that I don't hate Hair Metal. Far from it! I enjoy Twisted Sister.

We're Not Gonna Take it

Dokken makes me smile.

Dream Warriors

Hell, I even enjoy the faith-tinged notes of Stryper!

Soldiers Under Command

Yes fellow Otaku & Metalheads, I enjoy the crap out of Hair Metal, but it's biggest strength is simultaneously it's biggest weakness. What is the style's strength & weakness. Commerciality! Hair Metal is perhaps the most accessable metal subgerne to get into. Whether you're a veteran metalhead looking for something a little softer than most of what's in his or her collection, or you're actually looking to get into Heavy Metal and want some easy listening, Hair Metal is a easy subgenre to listen to. Unfortunately, this all leads into the second fault of Hair Metal.....The record companies. I would say something about this, but I think an insider says it far better than I would.

Dee Snider About The Decline Of Heavy Metal

See!? Sure, Twisted Sister weren't necessarily one of the bigger Hair Metal bands, but they were still part of that machine, and as they traversed the 1980s, they ever so slowly were eviscerated & altered into a mockery of their former selves. This was the fate of a majority of the bands that were in that genre, and even then the few that survived were either considered to be a joke by the time the 90s came around, or weren't seen as important anymore. Sadly, Metalheads blinded by nostalgia, or their heads are shoved firmly up their asses in an act of metal elitism (A buddy of mine coined the term "Metaboo" to describe such individuals), are completely in denial about this! As horrible as this might sound, Hair Metal needed to die. By the end of the 80s, most of the bands around were Hair bands, all thanks to the record companies churning out group after group that mocked the ones that were great. Grunge did unintentionally twist the knife in the wound, but you can thank the record companies & Hair Metal for stabbing Heavy Metal, and supposedly killing it.....even though albums like 1916, Fear Of The Dark, and The Eye exist & flourished to various extents throughout the decade.

I honestly don't have that much else to say, other than to stop thinking that just because your music isn't in the spotlight anymore......doesn't mean it's dead. Grow up!

Well, with that rant out of the way, it's back to something happy & fun. So join me in a few short days when this year's metal festival starts. Until then, don't flail around like a chicken with it's head cut off because your musical tastes aren't constantly obsessed over by the public.

This repeats Dee's comments from earlier, but there's a little bit extra from a different band:

Why Hair Metal Got Pounded (And Deserved It)

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