Monday, April 26, 2021

Anime Review (Trash Anime Mountain): Girls Bravo

Hello fellow Otaku & Metalheads, and Trash.....Anime.....Mountain!!!

That’s right, I’m starting a new review series! Okay, maybe not a new series per se. I wanted to categorize the more trashy shows, and sometimes the more obscure shows, into it’s own review category. Doesn’t matter if it’s good, mediocre, or bad: if I know it’s trash, it’s definitely going into this review series. To start off Trash Anime Mountain, I’ll be looking at what may very well be the pinnacle of trash anime. I enjoy it thoroughly, but this has to be one of the most low-brow, juvenile, skin showing, yet oddly charming series I’ve ever watched. It’s so trashy, yet there’s something bizarrely heartfelt about it at the same time. So, be sure that you’re not allergic to girls, keep an eye on your bathtub, and enjoy my review for Girls Bravo. Let’s begin!  

Taken from the Amazon Editorial Review:

Yukinari's got girl problems - the poor guy is literally allergic to them. He can't even be in the same room as a girl without getting a rash. It's enough to put any red-blooded male in an awful mood. Here's the good news: things start looking up for Yukinari when he accidentally plays peek-a-boo with the naked girl-next-door. She freaks out and boots him in the face, magically transporting our hero to the coolest place ever - Seiren, a mystical land populated mostly by girls. As soon as he gets there, he meets Miharu, a super-bouncy, carefree cutie who can touch Yukinari without causing a rash! She becomes his roomie on Earth and - well, then it's all bathtubs, swimming pools, hot springs, and you're not even reading this anymore are you?

Okay, this is what marks Girls Bravo as a denizen of Trash Anime Mountain. This series may very well be the most fan-service thing I’ve ever watched, and considering that 50 to 75 percent of my collection may be fan-service series, that’s saying something! From literarily the first minute of the first episode, you see the titular (Literarily) Miharu looking down into her bath water, her bare body evident to see. In each & every episode you see all kinds of fan-service: panty shots, boob jiggle, maids, tentacles (In 1 episode only), yuri, and just about every typical/atypical thing you can think of. While I am a fan-service junky, even I had to drop my jaw when I saw just how much their was! Because there’s so much, it’s easy to assume that their isn’t much of a story. However.....

There’s a surprisingly good story to Girls Bravo! It’s certainly not the deepest or the most illuminating (The overwhelming fan-service is definitely a contributing factor to this), but it’s well written enough that you’ll pay some attention to what’s going on, and there is a twist or two that’ll actually can catch you off guard. Not world shattering twists mind you, but definitely ones that are earned.


Right away, you can definitely tell that Girls Bravo is from the age of computer animation. If I’m being a little more honest, I’d say that it looks like there was some drawn work, but was enhanced by computers. It’s aged fairly well: though it’s obvious that it looks & moves like a show from the early to mid 2000s, for the most part it still looks good. The character move fluidly enough, and the various effects seem nice enough. Maybe not an animated marvel, but certainly not a visual abomination.

Voice Acting

Girls Bravo suffers from what I like to call the “Love Hina” syndrome. What do I mean? Well, for the most par the show has some good voice acting. Really good voice acting, if I’m being honest. Most of the characters in the show have a good voice behind, and even secondary character typically have some effort put into them. However, for every good bit of voice acting there’s somebody that’s not doing the best job. The character that I often don’t like speaking is Tomo: a younger character that becomes a main cast member, she’s genuinely very bratty, which is the point of her. Unfortunately, her voice can be rather grating. Again, she’s supposed to be a brat kid, but the voice acting is a little too obnoxious.


Much like the story, the characters of Girls Bravo are surprisingly good. I can easily understand why somebody wouldn’t like a majority of them. Yukinari can be a bit of a wuss sometimes, Miharu can be a little too ditzy, etc. However, despite the flaws, many of the characters are still highly likable! Yukinari is indeed a wuss, but he does what is right all the time. Miharu is indeed a ditzy, but her empathy & compassion is incredible. This kind of thing happens across most of cast: there’s an issue with them, but there’s also something likable as well. A bit whiplash inducing, but in an odd way adds to the show’s bizarre charm.

Availability & Pricing
Girls Bravo was a Geneon/Pioneer series way back in the day, and finding copies of the full show is exceptionally difficult. Individual volumes can still be found on Amazon, and they’re actually surprisingly well priced ($9.99 starting price for vol. 1). An easier but more expensive option would be the Funimation re-release of the full series under their S.A.V.E. program. This can also be found on Amazon, with starting prices for a new copy at $19.99. Collectors will probably grab the individual DVDs, but a more practical mind will gravitate towards the S.A.V.E. version.

Overall Impression & Rating
Girls Bravo is a far service tornado. You’re getting boobs, butts, and panty shots in your face so often it’s hard to see everything else. Once you do see everything else, you’ll find a likable show. Like I said above, it’s not deep, nor will you find the secrets of life & the universe as you watch, but the series is just a fun, dumb show at the end of the day. Girls Bravo is the kind of anime that you sit down, pop the DVD in, turn your brain off, and just have a fun time. This may not be for everybody, but for those that do want to watch it, they’re in for a hell of a time!

Girls Bravo gets a 7.5 out of 10.

And that was the premier of my Trash Anime Mountain review series, and it was a doozy! I don’t know often I’ll travel to this bizarre mountain, but when I do, you’ll bet that I’ll come back down with something strange. May is soon upon us, and I’ll seen you then with more content. Take care!

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