Monday, November 21, 2022

Album Review: Mastodon's Hushed & Grim

Hushed & Grim. That fellow Otaku & Metalheads is the name of one of my no. 1 albums of 2021, and is a powerful record in it’s own right even if it wasn’t. Emperor of Sand may have been the release that pulled me into the Mastodon faithful, but it’s this album that asserts it’s position as the best album they’ve ever made. I would have taken a look at Ministry’s most recent output, but I had already covered it at the very beginning of 2022 (Read here). To be honest, I’m kind of glad I did, since it would have been a crime to not cover Mastodon’s most titanic album in their entire career near the end of November. With all of the things they’ve been going through in the past few years, it not hard to see why they went for their very first ever double album, which is chalked to the brim with incredibly emotional & sometimes heartbreaking songs. However, I’m getting ahead of myself, so let’s rewind the clock to a few years back.

As many of you all know, Emperor Of Sand was themed after that horrible disease known as Cancer. Bassist Troy Sander’s wife got Cancer & lived through the ordeal, and Bill Kelliher’s Grandmother got it, but tragically passed away. So they crafted an emotional masterpiece, and it wound up being absolutely fantastic. Fast forward to early September of 2018, the band’s longtime manager & dear friend Nick John tragically passed away from Pancreatic Cancer, and it would later be revealed that his death would be the thematic lyrical inspiration for their next album. Coupled with what was to come in the years after their friend’s passing (Some more obvious than others), it was plain to anyone that their next album would be their most emotional & powerful thing this quartet has ever done. We were not prepared for what was coming on the 29th of October in 2021, when the monster named Hushed & Grim was unleashed onto an unsuspecting fanbase, who promptly devoured it when they got their hands on it.

As for me, I knew I was going to enjoy this from the moment I first heard about it, but I had no idea that I would love it so much. I like Emperor of Sand because it blindsided me, and it acted as my gateway into Mastodon. With Hushed & Grim, I love it so much I consider it to be the best thing the band has ever done in their entire career, as well as the sheer amount of emotion that everyone pours into this thing. Even more so than popular releases like Leviathan & Crack The Skye, H&G just grabs you within just a few seconds of the opener, and doesn’t let go until the record is done playing. From the guitars & bass, to the drumming, to the vocals, and to everything else, Mastodon set out to craft an album that reflects what they were all feeling. Good, neutral, bad, it doesn’t matter. These four gentlemen had a lot of emotion bottled up within them, and crafting music was easily the best way for them to vent & show the Mastodon faithful that they had gone through some rough times. We’ve all gone though some mud in recent years everybody: what with all of the strife in my home country on account of COVID & political bullshit, I think we all needed music that probably reflected what we were all feeling.......partially, at least.

So, as to what song I think best represents Hushed & Grim the most, I can only think of Teardrinker as the best track of this album. The first single if I recall correctly, this song is perhaps the most emotional in a sea of already emotional tracks, and that’s saying something! Instrumentally, the guitarwork & drums practically soar in terms of quality, as you’re hit right up front from the very first second with guitars & bass that don’t waver in anyway, and not long after the drums come in like roiling thunder. Then there are the vocals, and let me just say that Brann, Brent, and Troy are working overtime in terms of how good they sound. Brann is particular is really pouring his heart out with each word spoken, and given what’s being sung it’s not a surprise. Teardrinker is a tune about a broken relationship, and whether or not if it’s worth it to fix it & get back together, or to simply let it stay broken and move on. That’s some pretty heavy subject matter for a song, and I think all of us have been in that situation at one point in our lives. After a relationship breaks, is it worth it to try & reconnect with the one we once loved, or do we just go away and let it stay in pieces? It’s definitely something that we’ve probably asked ourselves at least once in our lives, and that potency is what makes this emotional behemoth the best thing on Hushed & Grim.


So with all of the praise I’ve been giving this album, you’re expecting me to not say anything bad, and that’s technically true. Hushed & Grim from top to bottom is a legitimately perfect album, and one that Mastodon should be proud of for a very long time. That said, the only tiny dent on this release’s impenetrable armor would be that is rather bloated. Clocking in at almost a hour & a half (86 minutes & 16 seconds to be exact), you are in it for the long haul when you’re listening to this album. By comparison, Once More ‘Round The Sun from 2014 is 54 minutes & 8 seconds, and Emperor Of Sand from 2017 (Another album from them I praise, btw) is a little shorter at 51 minutes & 11 seconds. You’re not going to be able to simple listen to a song or two off of H&G, and then walk away. You are sitting down, making sure you went to the bathroom beforehand, and getting perfectly comfortable before this colossus of an album comes down your ears.

In conclusion, I have to give Hushed & Grim an absolute 10 out of 10. Perhaps a little overbloated like I said a moment ago, but everything else eclipses that one little dent. From the atmosphere, to the emotion, to the instrumentation, and to the vocal work, Mastodon set out to craft what is perhaps their most personal album ever.....and they succeeded. It certainly got hit hard by some critics, but even the most ardent haters can deny this record’s appeal. If there is one release from this band you shouldn’t’s Hushed & Grim.

And thus concludes a look back at some of the best that 2021 had to offer. Last year had a lot of good music, and what I looked at today & a few weeks back was among some of the best. Now, we reached the final month of 2022. The air is cold, and white is falling down from the sky, so that means the Holidays are right around the corner! Time for some annual lists.....and maybe a few surprises as well. See you soon!


If you’d like to listen to this album, then click on the link below:

Hushed & Grim

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