From film, to my second look at Battle Network, we go to games fellow Otaku & Metalheads!
2024 had an absolute bevy of titles this year. I ran into a bunch of interesting games & magic releases across the many months, so some choices are going to be rather predictable. A few others, however, will be rather surprising. So with that said, here are my top 5 games of 2024. Let’s begin!
5) Quake: Episode Enyo/Slave Zero X (Trailer)

Quake: Remastered continues to surprise me!
Release at the very beginning of 2024 (16th or 17th of January), this mod acts as a prequel to the mech game Slave Zero (and as advertisement for the remaster coming from Nightdive Studio), as well as an advertisement for Slave Zero X. Everything about Enyo is crafted with incredible love & care: from the visuals, to the animation, to the music, it’s incredibly obvious that the developers cared very much for what they were making, as well as respecting the IP’s they were working with. If there were more than 6 levels I might have put this a point or two higher on the list, but even with that one fault it would be a crime to ignore this mod! If you are a fan of classic FPS titles & Cyberpunk, you absolutely have to play Episode Enyo!
4) Wrath: Aeon Of Ruin (Trailer)

Being in development for about 5 years, players were understandably kind of annoyed by 2024. Due to a mix of COVID, occasional lack of communication with early access users (I wasn’t one of those people), one of the original developers leaving (Though he still provided some help), and working with a highly advanced version of a nearly 30-year old game engine, you could see why many gamers were angry by the end. Thankfully, on the 27th of February of 2024, it was finally released, and regardless of whether you were in early access or was worth the wait.
That’s not to say it’s got some dents in the armor, because unfortunately it does. There’s an imbalance of power with some of the enemies, the amount of enemies in some levels is insane, and some levels are a bit too big. Despite those issues, I thought that Wrath was a fun throwback shooter! Yes, some levels might be too big, but they’re all well made & jam packed with a lot of detail and atmosphere. The enemies, while not a big roster, all look great and are animated really well. The weapons are all meaty & useful, and the various items you find throughout the game are all helpful in some way. Even the secrets were well done, with an even mix between hard to reach & easy to get to. Yeah it’s got some blemishes, but Wrath: Aeon Of Ruin is another example of how old school FPS-style games can not only succeed in this modern time, but thrive.
3) Universes Beyond: Fallout (Trailer/Game Knights/Gallery) & Outlaws Of Thunder Junction (Trailer/Game Knights/Gallery) & Bloomburrow (Trailer/Game Knights/Gallery)

So this was a surprise!
To be perfectly honest, the Universes Beyond releases this year didn’t excite me as much when compared to the previous releases in this MTG sub-series. Assassin’s Creed is a game franchise I’ve never touched in it’s near 2 decades of existence (AC bombed, btw), but I do have some small attachment to the nuclear world of Fallout (New Vegas more specifically). So colored me surprised when back in March of this year, MTG players walked into the nuclear wasteland of the United States, and I must confess.....the decks were surprisingly fun! I’m not quite as attached to these as much as Warhammer 40K, Lord Of The Rings, and Doctor Who (Especially that last one), but I love all of the effort put into these. From the artwork, to the mechanics, and all of the Fallout flavor, it’s obvious that care was once again used to great effect in all 4 of these decks. While I don’t think that the Fallout entry into Universes Beyond is as vital as the three I mentioned, I still find it to be a lot of fun....just as long as I have some Rad-Away!
And then there’s Magic The Gathering’s first foray into the Wild West with Outlaws Of Thunder Junction. Excluding the Universes Beyond output, Ravnica Remastered at the very start of this year, Modern Horizons 3, and Foundations from just last month, 2024 might very well be MTG’s most gimmicky year in recent memory. From a murder mystery back in February (Murders At Karlov Manor, which also bombed btw), we made our way along the dusty trail to a brand new world with a theme that’s very familiar to a lot of us, and it was a genuinely fun time. It may seem a little goofy having a bunch of the multiverse’s villains in cowboy getup on a new plane, but there’s some odd charm to it as well. Even if you didn’t factor in the flavor, this was one of the best designed sets of this year, and considering some of the releases that came after it.....that’s saying something!
Finally, there’s the Redwall inspired world of Bloomburrow! Far in a way one of the cutest & most wholesome MTG sets that’s ever been released, this warm and fuzzy world was a massive breath of spiritual air for me on account of how awful 2024 was for me. Inhabited by 10 animal races, along with some small representation from a few others, it’s a world that practically free from conflict outside of encountering the elemental forces known as the Calamity Beasts & those that would try to use their power for evil. Despite the cuteness of the setting, the card design is actually pretty damn good. Sure, there are some duds & ridiculously overpowered pieces of cardboard, but the whole experience is quirky in all the right ways.....and it just barely missed getting to no. 1.
2) Gloomwood (Trailer) & Fallen Aces: Vol 1 (Trailer) ***

So glad that the city of Gloomwood is still open to us!
I was tempted for a brief moment to put it back at the no. 1 spot this year, but I felt that it would have been way to easy to do so. Despite that, the guys over at New Blood Interactive continue to prove to the world that they are a small company with big effort, lots of quality, and high ambition. The additions to the early access in 2024 have been absolutely insane, so let’s talk about them!
For starters, there was the Mirror World right at the very end of December 2023, and on the surface there isn’t much here. We’ve kind of been alluded to this since the early access first came out back in 2022, but along a seasonal coat of paint that covered the game, we gained the ability to enter a hub like area. Fragments of various places we’ve visited, and each contain a mirror that leads to a prior area you explored, all of which floats in a strange void. There’s obviously been supernatural elements shown before, but now it’s obvious that something from the beyond is at work in the city of Gloomwood.....and the Countess is behind it somehow.
Secondly, we’ve finally made our way into the Underport! More specifically, the Power Plant, and it’s this update that really gives the game depth. It’s far more expansive than the Market District upon that release’s launch last year: You’ve got a waterworks building, a shipping warehouse, and finally the Lampfire Power Plant that you can see in the distance upon stepping into the area. In addition to those 3 big places, you’ve got tons of nooks, crannies, tunnels, and side areas that are just begging you to explore them. The atmosphere is so thick here, with the gentle rain coming down, the equally gentle piano playing while you’re outside, and the various sewer tunnels that are caked with rust and filth, alongside the Crowmen, who are the most alien enemies so far (And one we saw in the Alpha back in 2020). The work that the company put in has been wonderful in prior updates, and this one is no different!
Next up was the second half of the Underport known as The Hive, and here’s where things get creepy. In addition to the tweaks of the various game systems (The lighting got a huge boost), you have what is quite possibly the most detailed & complex area added to the game thus far, and considering what we had the Market District & the 1st part of the Underport, that’s saying something. The Hive is a place that is perhaps the most ancient & alien to the player character: old sewer systems, ancient ruins, signs of an archaeologist’s excavation, and it’s all corroded & infested with crow-like creatures (Some of which are wearing scraps of clothes) & their hideous. This update marked the first time that Dillon Rogers & the rest of the crew from New Blood Interactive that are working on this gave gamers a pretty solid challenge. Granted, I jumped into The Hive without buying much ammo of health, but even if I did I think it wouldn’t have lasted long, as the Crowmen & their spawn are practically everywhere, and require somewhat different tactics for defeating & evading them when compared to the Huntsman. At the time of me typing this up, there were a few things I did miss on my first trip, and I plan on going back in to see if I can find them. Even if I don’t, The Hive was an absolutely wonderful update at the end of 2024, and I already look forward to The rooftops of Hightowne and the vaults of The Bank. I just hope I don’t run into these guys!

However, Gloomwood wasn’t the only early access title worked on by New Blood Interactive. Around mid-June of 2024, we finally got the first episode of Fallen Aces released into early access! A love letter to old-school superhero comics, film noir, and gangster movies, this stylized FPS has been around for a few years, but in 2024 does it truly come out to be played (It had a demo beforehand). Not only is blasting mooks a fun time, but so is punching them in the faces or bashing their heads in with a variety of melee weapons. While you can definitely run & gun, there’s also a degree of smarts involved, as you gotta know when to shoot somebody & when you have to save ammo and throw down physically. It’s a nice mix that’s actually pretty balanced for the most part, as the only dent in the armor at this point is that some of the fights come across as ever so slightly in the enemy’s favor. If that is the only bad thing I could find, then I’m definitely looking forward to episodes 2 & 3!
Before we get to my no. 1, it’s time to talk about 2024's honorable mentions. This year was oddly easy, as 2 candidates popped into my head fairly often. One of which was one of the most anticipated pieces of DLC to one of this decade’s most iconic releases, and the other is an Early Access title that’s just gorgeous. With that said, here are 2024's honorable mentions.
HM1) Elden Ring: Shadow Of The Erdtree (Trailer)

Where the first image was revealed back in early 2023, I was immediately hyped up. Elden Ring was pretty damn close to being the no. 1 game for 2022 for me, so seeing as we were getting some DLC for it, I was excited. Then, on the 20th/21st of June in 2024 (All depended on what platform you played it on) Shadow Of The Erdtree was released, and I gotta say.....I was pretty satisfied. Outside of the stuttering on the PC edition, not to mention the insane difficulty on many of the bosses (Even some of the side bosses) & the boosting system that’s practically mandatory to beat the DLC, I was pretty satisfied with the experience. Take the base game, condense it into a smaller area, and somehow make it feel just as awe-inspiring as when we all entered Limgrave for the very first time is an incredible feat that From Software accomplished easily. It is sad that this is the only expansion we’re getting for Elden Ring, but as a way to close this chapter of FromSoft’s history, it was a damn good way to do so.
HM2) Witchfire (Trailer)

Originally releasing on the Epic Game Store in early access in 2023, this combination of FPS, Souls-Like, and hints of Rogue-Like, Witchfire started out fine but left a tiny bit to be desired. Over time more & more was added to the early access, and has since become a really fun title. So when the early access finally came to Steam back in October if I recall correctly, my Dad grabbed it for me, and I couldn’t be happier. There are some issues with it to be sure: As you up the difficulty in game, some fights (Especially in Irongate Castle) become rather one sided, ammunition can be tight, and things in general can be very much against your favor. Even with those issues, Witchfire is just a fun & incredibly addicting time, as you’ll be playing for a while everytime you log into the game. I hope overtime the difficulty is smoothed out, but even if it’s not, then I look forward to the full release in the future.
1) Botany Manor (Trailer) & Nightmare Kart (Trailer) & Warhammer 40K: Speed Freaks (Trailer) & Duskmourn: House Of Horror (Trailer/Game Knights/Gallery)

2024 sucked for me, and probably for a lot of you as well. With all of the negativity swirling around, it feels like practically nothing matters anymore. But every once in a while, there’s a game out there that gives back just a little bit of positivity. There’s a game out there that puts a little light back into a dimming bulb, and that game for me.....was Botany Manor.
Released back in April of this year, Botany Manor is one of the warmest, fuzziest, cosiest, feel-good video games I’ve played in a very long time. Taking place at the titular manor in Somerset, England, in 1890, you play a lady botanist who’s desire it is to write a book on some of the most remarkable plants (That sadly aren’t real) that have ever grown. As you grow these incredible pieces of foliage, you unlock newer parts of the mansion, and in turn find out a little more about the botanist’s past, as well as the others that frequented the place. There’s never a moment where you don’t feel warm & happy, as the visuals & atmosphere are so gorgeous, and the sounds you hear throughout the entire place all feel so life-like. While it can go fast in places, and some of the puzzles do require a little more brainpower than others, you never feel pressured in any way to finish the game. As the rest of this decade goes on, I think it’s important to for all of us to have some kind of light in our life, and if that light for me is growing flowers at one of the nicest places in the virtual world.....then so be it.
But there’s also the baffling yet equally wholesome Nightmare Kart. Originally known as Bloodborne Kart, the creator scrubbed any branding of Bloodborne from earlier this year (Sony contacted them about it), but still managed to release the game for free back at the end of May, and to say it made me laugh was an understatement! Just the idea of taking Bloodborne, and turning it into a kart racing game is plain silly, but the gameplay is nothing short of fantastic! You’ve got a small selection of items & karts, but they’re all well designed and look great in the lo-fi graphics that ooze PS1 nostalgia. The raceways are all well designed & full of character, and the music is just fantastic! I don’t know how many times I’ll replay through it, but Nightmare Kart got a few chuckles & smiles out of me. As far as free games are concerned so far this decade, this is at the top of the list!
Another funny racing gaming, and one that came out in early access a few months ago, was Warhammer 40K: Speed Freaks. A game centered around the best race of the franchise, and the love of going really fast, the fact that this was free to get into was one of the obvious pluses. Another plus is that the game looks great graphically, and really captures the fun & wild nature of the Orks. Perhaps the most obvious plus is the gameplay, which is fantastic! Outside of occasional crashes that boot you out of the game, you have an assortment of right proper killy vehicles to choose from (Some of which you have to unlock, but that’s not too difficult), and you have 2 simple but ridiculously fun game modes to pick to go in & give the other boyz a right proper krumpin! While there hasn’t been too many fixes or additions since it first came out, I can only suspect that anything else that gets put in will be lots of fun. WAAAAAGH!
Finally, we’ve got the 1980s horror stylings of Duskmourn: House Of Horror. Out of all the MTG sets of 2024, this might have been the one I was excited for the most. More excited than following a murder mystery, more excited than the Wild West, and even more excited than a children’s storybook from just a few months ago. Once again, take 80s horror (With some sprinkles of 70s, 90s, and early 2000s), mix it in with a big spooky mansion, and then you turn it on it’s head with some genuinely freaky twists. Having the default manor be the prison of a demon, have said demon take advantage of a young girl’s pain, and then expand the mansion so much that it becomes the plane itself, & you have a world that is legitimately kind of scary. Every aspect of Duskmourn is just perfect: The 80s visuals & horror references are fun, the artwork looks amazing, and the mechanics introduced in this set seemingly fit with what was trying to be accomplished in this freaky home. If Foundations wasn’t the last release for 2024, then this house of horrors would have rightfully ended this year on a scary note. Even so, for showing 80s horror a surprising degree of respect, as well as having a little fun with it as well, Duskmourn: House Of Horror is a spooky classic!
And those were my top 5 games of 2024. A collection of virtual & MTG that’s all over the place in all of the right ways, it made going through this year a little easier. With this list getting put up, it’s time for a seasonal treat, so see you all in just a few short days for the final post of 2024, when I’ll be talking about some more holiday games of our past. Until then, stay warm!
If you’d like to see what I thought of last year’s games, then click on the link below:
Top 5 Games Of 2023
Also, this list was postponed due to waiting for The Hive update & getting a chance to play it. Sorry about that!