Wednesday, April 8, 2015

WOOT, My 28th Birthday!!!

Woooo, it's my birthday! As you can tell by the title, I turn 28 years old today. I'm in a pretty good mood: despite being a year closer to embracing the grim reaper, and something that happened with a friend earlier this year (Won't talk about it here), I'm feeling good. I'm going over to work for my friend Isabelle in a little bit, which is always a treat no matter the occasion, and I'm getting a homemade dinner & birthday cake from my Mom. Yes, I'm a Momma's boy. Don't judge!!

In any case, let's celebrate the day! Let's have some Swedish Fruitcake, and listen to a song from the blackest & most brutal band in the world!

Swedish Fruitcake

Brutal Birthday Song

For anyone who sent b-day wishes on Facebook, thank you. It's nice to know I've got friends/buds like you guys, so it means a lot. Again, thank you very much!

On a more somber & serious note, I want to talk about a childhood hero of mine. As you all know, James Brian Hellwig, better known by is wrestling stage-name, the Ultimate Warrior, died last year. He happened to die, unfortunately, on my birthday last year. About 12 hours after I was born, to be exact. Yeah, this was a man that was larger than life, and I like to think that I embody even a sliver of his power. I know that many of you aren't wrestling fans, but if you have the time, please take a look at the video below. Nothing like this will ever be seen again.

Ultimate Warrior Wrestlemania 6 Promo

Thank all of you who took time out to read this. Hope you all have a nice rest of the day!

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