Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year fellow Otaku & Metalheads!

Well, 2016 is now upon us. Despite the sad news in recent months, I'm looking forward to what will come this year. I've already got some things planned for the blog. I'm not ready to make content yet: before I get stuff up, I plan on doing an entire sweep of the material I have up right now. Fixing spelling errors, proper labeling of posts, and checking to see if any of the links in said posts still work properly (as well as replacing/taking away ones that don't). This will take up a little bit of January, but I might be able to fit in something in towards the end of the month.

What I can tell you, however, is what I've got planned for this year. I've got a new article series in the works titled "Which is Better?", a look at whether the manga or anime of a particular series is better. I'm also planning to squeeze out more of my "Obscurus Metalus" album reviews (They're tricky little buggers!), my typical look at anime & specific episodes, as well as the standard album reviews. What I'm most excited to do is more Metal Overview! In 2015, I managed to write up 5 articles in the series, and I enjoyed do them. This year, I plan on doing a lot more. Like, maybe 8 of them. Potentially even ten! Granted, some of the bands I have in mind have smaller discographies than others, but that's probably why I might be able to get in more than normal.

There's also a special plan I have this coming summer....but that'll have to wait.

In the meantime, it's 2016! It's a brand new year, complete with brand new opportunities in life! I hope you all have a great year, and I hope happiness comes your way!

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