Sunday, June 12, 2016

Food For Thought/Thought for Food No. 2: Pulse Shooting, Homophobia, Islamophobia, and Politics

Welcome, fellow Otaku & Metalheads, to an unfortunate Food for Though/Thought for Food.

As you can tell by the title, today’s FoT/ToF covers the incredibly recent shooting at the Pulse Nightclub down in Orlando, which was highly frequently visited by the LGBT community in that area. On.....well, in fact today at 2 A.M., 29-year old Omar Mateen walked into the club, and proceeded to kill up to 50 people, while at the same time wounding 53 more. A standoff with the police insured for 3 hours, until they finally charged in with a armored vehicle, killing Mateen in the process. This shooting has been labeled as one of, if not, the worst mass shooting in United States shooting, and news outlets are pouring all over with information about the shooter. Here’s just two pieces I’ve been reading.

Okay, before I go off (Cause trust me, I need to vent before my heart explodes), let me just say this: my heart goes out to the victims of pulse. The one’s that are no longer with us, and the one’s that have been wounded by this madman. The victims are people just like us, despite what some people may say (I’ll get to that in a second). If you have even just a second, please send money down there. Send blood. Hell, if you can afford it, find a way to fly down there & help out in some way. This is especially sad for me because I have some friends & acquaintances who are within the LGBT, and attacks like this just continue to twist the knife. I can only hope that said friends & acquaintances are doing okay, and if any of them read this, please let me know if you need an ear to listen to.

With that out of the way, let’s get to the venting. Right away as this story unfolded, preachers & western religious folk wormed their way out of the woodwork, saying that this was an act of God, a case of divine retribution, etc. Don’t believe me? Check this shit out below!

First off...Pat...shut the fuck up! Any other religious folk, whether you’re a religious leader or not...shut the fuck up! For once in your life, put your hate & ignorance aside, and realize this: people who are gay, lesbian, and bi-sexual have been around since time immemorial. They’ve been around since the time of Christ, and they’re still here today. No amount of hate, ignorance, and bullshit that you shovel upon the masses can change this, much as you might delusionaly hope it will. In this circumstance, you’re not needed in this tragedy. Leave this to the real religious folk. Leave it to the ones who truly love Jesus, and who truly care for their fellow man. They’re the ones that can help with this situation, not you!

Secondly, let’s talk about Islam. As you can see by the 1st link above (and other links you’ll find), Omar Mateen had ties to the faith, and theoretically was attempting to join ISIS in the process. On top of that, Omar’s father came out, and practically pleaded with reporters & people that this wasn’t about religion, and it was the result of his son seeing two men kiss in front of him. For starters, Omar, you’re a major tool! With the state of Islam in this country already as shaky as it is, people like you just continue to ruin it’s reputation. You allow your inadequacies, not to mention your cherry-picking of your own faith, to continue damaging it’s reputation. A faith that has been horribly ruined & scarred by those outside of it, and those within. Secondly, for anyone out there who continues to be blind about Islam, who keep labeling it as a religion of hate...just stop! You know fucking nothing about it. I don’t care if you’re a Republican/Conservative or a Democrat/Liberal, or even if you aren’t affiliated with any political allegiance, it doesn’t matter. You’re a tool who continues to drink the kool-aid, doing your own brand of cherry-picking in the process. Maybe learn about the faith for once, and then you’ll see that Islam is far more that what the terrorists have done, and what our system & news have done with it as well.

Finally, let’s get a little bit of politics in. I was laughing like a hyena when Kevin Sorbo was going on about this on his Facebook page, saying that Obama was using this as a means to go on about gun control & other things. Kevin, I’ll go off on you another day, but for right now, I’m just going to go on that sentiment. It’s amazing that the Republicans/Conservatives (And maybe some Democrats/Liberals) still go off on Obama like this. It’s not just the politicians & news outlets that do this: Dave Mustaine from Megadeth seemed to have a brain aneurism back in 2012 shortly after the Dark Knight Rising theater shooting, basically saying that he staged the shooting to deceive people int wanting stronger gun laws.

Look, even though I voted for him twice (I admit it), but I can’t deny that he’s been a major target of rumors & falseness. There has never been a single, solitary shred of evidence that Obama has done even a sliver of what people have been trying to saddle him with. Even if he was, he would be far more subtle that what his detractors label him as.

My final thought: throw your religion, political allegiance, and ignorance aside (If you can). Think of these victims as people, and treat them as such. They have to deal with enough hate as it is!

So that has been my second Food for Thought/Thought for Food. I’m still furious, but maybe I’ll calm down a little. In the meantime, get ready for tomorrow, as the Summer of Thrash will march on through this sea of tragedy & hate!

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