Sunday, March 29, 2020

Top 5 Depression Killing Anime Girls

Still alive fellow Otaku & Metalheads?

Originally, I had intended to get an anime review out a day or two ago, but I genuinely kept pushing it & pushing it till I didn’t have enough time before March was just about done, and given how the Coronavirus still has a tight grip on my country, I don’t have the strongest spirits. Fear not! I’m still planning on releasing content during this difficult time, and to give us all a boost & a smile on our face, why not talk about some characters that flat out kill sadness? Without further delay, here are my top 5 depression killing anime girls!

(I’ll do a top 5 depression killing anime boys later on in the year. We’re all probably gonna need it!)

5) Botan - Yu Yu Hakusho (Clip)
Starting off this list is a girl from a classic series, and it might be a weird choice for some. When one pictures a depression killer, the grim reaper probably isn’t what comes to mind. However, it the case of Botan, you’re getting a depression killer! While she is indeed a grim reaper, she’s about as far from dark & dour as you can get. She’s cheerful, always willing to help out & pep up any of her friends, and is an absolute cutey to boot. Yeah she deals with dead people a bunch of the time, but Botan is always there for anyone who needs her no matter what, and I always like a girl like that!

4) Rin Namiki - Kandagawa Jet Girls (Clip)
A relatively new character on this list, this adorable sweetheart has only been around since October of last year, yet has captured the hearts of anyone who watched her show or played the game the series is based off of. This cheerful girl’s optimism & smile are practically infectious, and her desire to follow in the footsteps of her late mother is genuinely heartwarming. Not only that, but her kindness attracts others to her, and immediately become fast friends. This show isn’t exactly one that’s essential, but this peppy jet racer is sure to make you feel good on the inside when you see her.

3) Sasami - Tenchi Muyo OVA (Clip)
Going back to the old school, here we have what is what I consider to be the essential Little Sister of classic anime. Though a trickster at first, it’s proven soon after that she can be a pretty hard worker. Not only can she cook & clean, but she can maintain a temple, plant & pick vegetables, and can even throwdown if she absolutely has to.....all the while being adorable as a button. Said cuteness factor is amplified by 10 when the lovable Ryo-Ohki is with her, yet her personality is just a part of what makes her such a depression killer. It’s her hard work & drive that can not only make one’s day, but is also really refreshing when other anime kids don’t do much. Regardless, Sasami paved the way for many other iconic anime kids, yet still remains a classic character to many.

2) Papi - Monster Musume: Everyday Life With Monster Girls (Clip)
My number 2 and my number 1 were hard. Really hard. Picking who was going to be here was massively difficult, as the girls in question are mind-numbingly adorable, and reluctantly this adorable harpy makes it here. Right away, from either the 2nd episode of the show or chapter 3 of the manga, Papi is introduced to us smiling. That’s pretty much what she does most of the time. She’s either smiling, laughing, being cute, and just being incredibly kind. Though she’s not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed, Papi also shows that she’s actually really good with kids, and can actually stand her ground on rare occasions. Though my number 1 just barely passed this blue feathered angel, Papi has proven time & time again she’s a character that can make any dark day sunny.

1) Senko - Helpful Fox Senko-San (Clip)
Yes fellow Otaku & Metalheads. Even more so than the blue-haired harpy, it’s 2019's adorable little fox girl that makes it to number one for good reasons. Like everybody else on this list (Especially Papi), she is incredibly cute. However, it’s what she does for you that makes her a depression killer. Like Sasami she cooks for you, cleans for you, and washes your clothes, but perhaps Senko’s biggest strength is that she’ll also sit down with you & listen to what kind of day you had. If you had a good day, she’ll be happy for you. If you had an okay or bad day, she’ll say the right thing to pep you back up, and do something nice to cheer you up. Despite looking like a child, Senko has been around for a long time, and thus knows all the ways to lift someone onto their feet. In this dark time, it’s girls like Senko (Along with everybody else on this list) that we wish were needed & real.

And those were my top 5 depression killing anime girls. Again, times are dark across the entire globe, but there’s always a little sunshine.....if you know where to look. Now, I kinda hinted that Compilation Month might return in April, but I have to delay it by a bit, as a rather sad decade anniversary is coming. Ironic, given what this post is about. Still, there’s always a shining diamond in the bleakened long as you want to find it.

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