Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Convention Review - Connecticon 2015

Hey guys!

Well, I’ve been back from Hartford, Connecticut for a few days. Had a great time while I was there, and I got some energy back from some nice rest. Now, I’ve got enough time to review the reason why I was in Connecticut in the first place......Connecticon!

Ah Connecticon, let me count the way as to why I love you. Despite some bittersweetness due to a death in the family, last year’s was great. This year was even better! There’s was a lot of things going on during the con, and despite some small dents in the armor, it was perfect! So let me stop talking (Typing), and show you my review for Connection 2015. Enjoy!

Good Points
Oh, where to begin on the good points?

How about people!? One thing I’ve always enjoyed about Connecticon is all the people I see. Friends, acquaintances, and even total strangers are always great to bump into. Sometimes, it’s fun to just watch people as they roam around, or to strike up a conversation with those that pass you by. The costumes that some of the con-goers had on were impressive as well. The artistry that went into some of what I saw was nothing short of jaw-dropping! Even the more beginner/amateur costumes looked like there was love & care put into them, and I can always get behind that!

The Dealers Room & Artists Alley is always something that I love when I go to Connecticon, and this year didn’t disappoint. Dealers & artists of all kinds were spread out in the massive room, and it’s always a grand site to see! Anime, Manga, T-Shirts, and all sorts of knick-knacks could be found among the stalls. Recent stalls that I’ve seen include a pearl & jewelry salesman, and a tea & absinthe booth that almost looked like an apothecary. You’ll definitely spend some money when you’re in this part of the con.

Another great aspect of Connection is the myriad selection of panels & workshops one can go to. There is something for everyone: Andrew Jackson, how to do a podcast, examination of 3d animation, and one of my personal favorites, a look at monster girls. Every single day was jampacked with stuff to do. Even Sunday, typically the weakest day for any convention, is a good day for Connecticon. The biggest highlights on Sunday (For me, at least) included a Q&A with George Takai, and a John St. Jon panel on the various characters he voiced. If you can’t find something to your liking, then something is wrong. Speaking of guests...

Connecticon has always had great guests. Voice actors, comic artists, and just about any kind of geek figure can be seen. As recently as last year (As far as I can remember), actors from television & movies have been coming in as well. Two highlights of this year included the iconic George Takai & Michelle Nicholls from Star Trek fame, and they were a treat indeed. Granted, there was something they were involved in that irked me, but I’ll get to that when the time comes. Suffice it to say, the guests this year were fun. Always nice to see John St. John!

Lastly, I’d like to talk about the hotel near the convention center. Yeah that might sound silly, but here me out! I’ve been going to Connecticon for 6 years now, and the one thing that’s always been a welcome sight is the hotel. Their rooms are great, the service is fantastic, and even the built-it restaurant & bar are a treat (The breakfast buffet is always delicious, albeit a tiny bit expensive). Only flaw was that the escalator that goes up was out on Friday, but was up & running for the rest of the weekend, so I can’t really complain in the end. If you want a hotel that’s practically inches away, then the Hartford Inn is the deal for you!
Bad Points
For the most part, Connecticon 2015 was flawless. Despite the size, the cogs of the machine run smoothly. Sadly, there were two things that.....irked me. One minor, and one major. I’ll start with the minor one.

On the outside of the panel/workshop rooms, there are banners that show off the schedule of what goes on within. This is pretty useful, especially if you don’t have the conbook with you. Sadly, the schedule on the banner was too small for it. There’s a big square rectangle right in the middle of them, and the schedules put up didn’t match the size. To the staff’s credit, they admitted at the Q&A feedback that the schedule’s were supposed to match the size, and because of that I’ll give them some slack.

The major point, however, actually got me a little mad! A few days from now, it’s my Dad’s 54th birthday, and I was going to get an autograph from George Takai and/or Michelle Nicholls as a gift. I get to both of their tables, and that’s when I saw the pricing. $50 for Michelle Nichols!? $40 for George Takai!? I’ll give them a slight benefit of the doubt, and say it was a joint effort between the con & the guests. In that case, I get it. The staff needs some money to run things, and the guests need a little extra income. Okay, fine. That said, I was looking forward to getting my Father something special, and seeing the pricing completely changed my mind. Hopefully, the pricing for autographs next year isn’t quite so high.

Other Points
Like I said above, I found incredibly very little wrong with this convention, as Connecticon has always put on a great event. One thing, while not incredibly a big problem, was something I wanted to address here. The convention booklet has always been helpful while at the convention. It gives out where the panel & workshops are, some advertisements & discounts for restaurants/bars, along with some other stuff that might appeal to a con goer. Sadly, the booklet was from a month before. Twice, I went to panels, only to find out it was at a different time, different room, or both in the case of one. To the staff’s credit, there was the Connection app that updated constantly with changes to events & such. However, I didn’t know if my phone was compatible with the app, so I didn’t download it.

Overall Impression & Rating
Connecticon 2015 was a blast! There were some blemishes, but I truly can’t complain. The people, the events, the merchandise, the whole thing! A spectacle like this I can always appreciate. Like Genericon from earlier this year, Connecticon is my geeky home away from home. I can go to this convention, and most if not all of my worries are cleansed away, and a shiny new me can be seen by all. Connecticon 2015, you got my devil horns raised!

Connecticon 2015 gets an 8.75 out of 10

See you all in a week or two, when hopefully I’ll have some more energy back in me!

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