Saturday, September 7, 2019

Food For Thought/Thought For Food No. 15: Bullshit Justice Must Stop

I wasn't sure I wanted to talk about this. The meat of this subject is pretty sensitive, not to mention something that's already caused a bit of a shitstorm. Ultimately, I wanted to wait a few days before I said something so things cooled down at least a little, and to see if anything else came out to clarify the situation. goes.

Just this past weekend, Alec Holowka, indie game developer & co-founder of 3 independent game companies (Infinite Ammo, Infinite Fall, and Bit Blot), decided to take his own life. At first this seems like a genuinely tragic event (Which it still is regardless of what comes next), until you realize why he killed himself. Just a few days prior, Alec was the target of caustic 3rd wave Feminism (The kind that doesn't help women & men) & Cancel Culture, as he was accused of sexual assault by the typical suspects. Zoe Quinn, Anita Sarkeesian, and even Brianna Wu crawls out from whatever rock she was living under, calling upon the unholy event known as GamerGate as a scapegoat for her accusations. Needless to say, Alec was fired from his job, and was just torn apart online by throngs of Bullshit Justice Warriors. Needless to say, he was understandably devastated, and thus took his own life.

This incident just took Bullshit Justice to a whole new level. It's been god awful in recent years, but with this's become something unholy at this point. At this very moment, Bullshit Justice now has genuine blood on it's hand, and it's going to leave a permanent stain. Gamergate may have started the title-wave of BS that just about every aspect of our pop culture feels these days, but eventually it died off. Ghostbusters 2016 was a slap in the face to both male & female fans, but people eventually forgot about it (Except in conversations about Bullshit Justice). With the suicide of Alec Holowka? This will forever tarnish the games industry, and not to mention the memory of #MeToo when it actually meant something. Now Anita's been talked about to death, so I'm not going to go into any details, and for Brianna Wu.....well, I don't know shit about you, so I'm not going to waste my breath on you. Nope, I'm going to unload all my verbal ammo at you Zoe, cause I got some shit to say to you!

This isn't the first time you've caused some chaos. Of course there was GamerGate, and the only reason that it happened was because you were fucking a reporter from Kotaku & said reporter was writing favorable reviews about you, and once you got caught you hid behind the false pretense that women were getting harassed in the games industry, & you didn't want to take the blame so that your "Strong Independent Woman" look would even remotely get tarnished. Then there was the time that you were raising money for development of a video game, only for said money to instead being used for a trip to Japan......for yourself. And of course, there's Holowka's suicide.

Now, is it possible that he could have done the things you said? Sure. Absolutely. Unfortunately in this day and age, it seems that some of the nicest people are secretly some of the worst scumbags. Here's the problem: you didn't go to the police to tell them, you offered absolutely no evidence to the accusations leveled against Holowka's suicide, and magically & mysteriously your Twitter account gets turned off shortly after your claims were said. Hmmm, it's almost as if you're just lying again for attention and power. It's almost as if you want to stamp out any sliver of goodwill that feminism and the #MeToo movement has left, and just turn into your own personal weapons to use against men (and some women) youdon't like because they won't play ball with you. Fuck off, and take your fake feminism with you.

My final words: honesty dies, Bullshit Justice walks.

I needed to get this off my chest, as I couldn't hold off on this for long. Suffice it to say, I don't think this will be the last that this incident gets brought up this year. Luckily, I got some happier material coming down the pipeline, so stay tuned!

If you like to see where I got some of the information for this rant, click on the link below:

Zoe Quinn causes Night In The Woods Cancel Culture Tragedy (SidAlpha)

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